
Pinterest worthy outfits

To be honest yesterday I was lying in bed thinking on what to wear today. I know, I know it's so shallow and superficial, but keep in mind: over thinking creeps in when you least expect it (and on least expected subjects, apparently). Every time when I ''have nothing to wear'' (I don't know how, my closet is seriously overcrowded) I think it would be a great idea to finally activate that ''fashion'' board where I store outfit ideas on Pinterest. You may also have a similar board called something like ''outfit inspiration'' or ''clothes''. Until you start applying those looks to your everyday life you don't know their ultimate secret: most of Pinterest outfits are not actually life friendly. They might look nice on screen, but when faced with daily obstacles like weather and well, walking, they won't pass the test. Most of the time. I'm now trying to figure out are some of them wearable in real life, so let the experiment begin!

Da budem potpuno iskrena juče sam ležala u krevetu i razmišljala o tome šta da obučem danas. Znam, znam, toliko je površno i nebitno, ali setite se: preterano razmišljanje se prikrade kada najmanje očekujete (očigledno i o  temama koje najmanje očekujete). Svakog puta kada ''nemam šta da obučem'' (ne znam ni kako, orman mi je ozbiljno prenaseljen) pomislim kako bi bila sjajna ideja da konačno aktiviram ''fashion'' kategoriju u kojoj čuvam ideje na Pinterestu. Moguće da imate sličnu koja se zove nešto kao ''outfit inspiration'' i ''odeća''. Dok ne počnete da primenjujete te izglede u svakodnevnom životu ne znate njihovu ultimativnu tajnu: većina Pinterest autfita nisu baš praktični za život. Možda lepo izgledaju na ekranu, ali suočeni sa dnevnim preprekama kao što su vreme i, pa, hodanje, neće proći test. U većini slučajeva. Sada pokušavam da pronađem one koji jesu nosivi u svakodnevnom životu, pa neka eksperiment počne!

Zaful sweater
C&A skirt
Mona bag
Asos shoes
Catarzi for Asos hat
Vintage and Pandora rings


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  1. love that mustard top!

    I am looking for someone to collaborate and guest post with if you're interested :)


  2. Great styling
    You look at the sensational

  3. Love your sweater/skirt outfit! :)

    And also love your fishnet tights with heels look! :)

    YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram


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