
How to wear sweaters and skirts

If you are one of those people who avoid wearing skirts during winter keep on reading. I have a theory that if you are wearing warm clothes on either top or bottom, you will not be cold. Remember all those people wearing flip-flops and shorts with thick hoodies? That's why they do it, it all makes sense now. 😂 Sweater and a skirt is not exactly a revolutionary invention, but it gained its popularity recently. If you tried paring them and noticed it doesn't really look good, here's what to do to make sure your outfit looks amazing.

Ako ste od onih ljudi koji izbegavaju da nose suknje tokom zime, nastavite da čitate. Imam teoriju da ako nosite toplu odeću ili gore ili dole, neće vam biti hladno. Setite se samo onih ljudi koji nose japanke sa debelim duksevima. Eto zbog čega to rade, sada sve ima smisla. 😂 Džemper sa suknjom nije revolucionarni izum, ali je odnedavno jako popularan. Ako ste probali da ih nosite zajedno, a to nije dobro ispalo, evo šta da radite da bi izgledalo sjajno.

No paring summer skirts with sweaters

I used to do this a lot in the past, but now I know you don't get the best of the combination when you pair them. This kind of a look is not completely bad, still it can be nicer. Wintry skirts made of thick materials will match your sweaters better. Imagine the light, bright and summery skirt with a chunky sweater. Now imagine that same sweater with a nice wintry skirt. That's what I'm talking about.

Ne uparujte letnje suknje i džempere

Ranije sam to često radila, ali sada znam da tako nećete dobiti baš najbolje kombinacije. Ova vrsta autfita nije loša, ali može da bude lepša. Zimske suknje od debljih materijala bolje će se slagati uz džempere. Zamislite tanku, drečavu letnju suknju uz debeli džemper. Sada zamislite taj isti džemper sa lepom zimskom suknjom. To je razlika.

Dresses under the sweaters always look good

Don't limit yourself to skirts. New trend of over the knee boots created a lovely outfit: skirt, sweater and over the knee boots. You can get even better effect if you put the sweater over the dress.

Haljine uvek lepo izgledaju ispod džempera

Nemojte da se ograničite samo na suknje. Novi trend čizama preko kolena ''stvorio'' je divnu kombianciju: skunju i džemper sa ovim tipom čizama. Možete da dobijete još bolji efekat ako obučete džemper preko haljine.

Crop sweaters are the way to go

There's little you can't do with a cropped sweater. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to tuck your sweater into your skirt (I experienced it first hand today with this outfit) so having a crop sweater helps a lot. Just remember that with these types of sweater you need to wear high waisted skirts.

Kratki džemperi su idealni

Postoji malo stvari koje ne mogu da se nose uz kratke džempere. Ponekad je komplikovano uvući džemper u suknju (kao meni sa ovim autfitom) pa kratki džemperi tu dosta pomažu. Samo ne zaboravite da uz ovakve džempere treba da nosite suknje visokog struka.

H&M sweater
H&M skirt (I find some similar ones at Gamiss, check them out below)
Dolcis shoes
Furla bag
Ray Ban sunglasses
Asos hat
Vintage and Asos earrings
Vintage and Ti Sento rings



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