
Another one with a hair story

Finally getting back to beauty posts and honestly I'm so happy about it. I have so many ready, waiting to be published (if having photos and no text whatsoever counts as ready 😂). One of the subjects I could write a lot about is hair, for sure. You might say I'm passionated about it, but I think it's more about my love for telling all sorts of stories. Earlier when people would ask me how I can grow my hair long and thick I would just shrug my shoulders. Then I realized I maybe need an answer that will both be useful to others and very detailed to satisfy my nerdy nature. And I came up with the formula.

Konačno se vraćam postovima o nezi i, iskreno, srećna sam zbog toga. Imam dosta spremnih za objavljivanje (ako računate da su spremni kada imam slike ali ništa od teksta 😂). Jedna od tema o kojima mogu dosta da pištem je svakako i kosa. Može se reći da mi je to bitna tema, ali mislim da se više radi o mojoj ljubavi za pričanje raznih priča. Ranije kada bih dobila pitanja o tome kako mi je kosa duga i gusta, samo bih slegla ramenima. Onda sam shvatila da mi možda i treba odgovor koji će biti koristan drugima, ali i opširan zbog moje štreberske prirode. Ispod je ''formula'' do koje sam došla.

First of all, it's in your genes. I know people use this a lot, saying this or that is pure genetics, but it's true. Although it's never pure genetics, still it's one of the factors. Both my sister and I got this thick head of hair, hers is even thicker! Other thing is the diet. Sometimes we ignore the fact that we are what we eat (I also do it when I'm craving junk food), but in the case of hair and nails it shows soon enough. Balanced diet keeps your whole body happy and healthy including the hair and scalp. Besides that you need proteins for great looking hair. It's the fact I've tested many times.

Pre svega stvar je u genima. Znam da ljudi ovo dosta govore, za raznorazne osobine, ali je istina. Mada nikad nije samo do gena, ipak bitan su faktor. I moja sestra i ja imamo gustu kosu, njena je čak i gušća! Druga bitna stvar je ishrana. Ponekad ignorišemo činjenicu da smo ono što jedemo (ja je pogotovo ignorišem kada mi se jede nezdrava hrana), ali u slučaju kose i noktiju pokaže se pre ili kasnije. Izbalansirana ishrana je bitna za celo telo, pa tako i za kosu i kožu glave. Proteini su takođe neophodni kosi. Ovu činjenicu sam testirala više puta.

Last but not the least is haircare! Now we come to the part that many of us know and if you are reading fashion and beauty blogs you've probably heard your fair share of hair products tips and tricks. I've tried all of them (except co-washing, I have to admit). One I've learned recently is about creating thicker body of the hair. When your hair looks thin and unhealthy, it won't have much volume and in order to make it look thicker you need to increase its body. I already wrote about Dercos Densi-solutions line from Vichy and this time I used it after two balayages. They damaged my hair a bit and some of it fell off, nothing visible to others but I knew. 😂

Poslednja, ali ne najmanje bitna je nega. Verovatno to već znate, a ako čitate blogove o modi i nezi sigurno ste čuli sve moguće savete i trikove za negu kose. Ja sam ih uglavnom sve probala (osim pranja kose regeneratorom, moram da priznam). Jedan koji sam čula nedavno je o povećanju mase kose. Kada kosa izgleda tanko i nezdravo, neće imati puno volumena i da biste to promenili morate da joj povećate masu. Već sam pisala o Dercos Densi-solutions liniji iz Vichy-ja a ovoga puta sam je koristila posle dva balajaža. Oštetili su mi kosu u određenoj meri, nešto kose mi je i otpalo, što nije vidljivo drugima ali ja znam. 😂

The line has three steps, first is a Thickening shampoo, then Restoring and thickening balm and the last one is a Hair mass recreating concentrate. Vichy suggests using all three products together for optimum results. Shampoo is pretty much an ordinary shampoo, but the balm and concentrate are interesting because you apply them on your scalp. This is handy as well, if you want to use other conditioners and masks on the rest of the hair. You are supposed to rinse the balm off, but the concentrate stays putt and you don't need to rinse it off. After all the steps it's super easy to brush the hair. I love this line, it makes my hair look healthy and shiny and I definitely notice it has more body. When I'm using it I'm not afraid to colour my hair as much as I want without it looking dull and volume less.

Linija ima tri koraka, šampon za tanku i slabu kosu, balzam za tanku i slabu kosu i koncentrovanu negu za tanku i retku kosu. Preporuka Vichy-ja je da za najbolje rezultate treba koristiti sva tri proizvoda. Šampon se koristi kao i ostali šamponi, ali balzam i koncentrovana nega su zanimljivi jer se nanose direktno na kožu glave. Što je i prakrično, ako želite da koristite druge regeneratore i maske na ostatku kose. Balzam se ispire, ali koncentrovanoj nezi nije potrebno ispiranje. Posle nanošenja proizvoda kosa se jako lako raščešlja. Mnogo volim ovu liniju, kada je koristim kosa mi izgleda zdravo i dosta je sjajna i definitivno ima veću masu. Dok je koristim bez straha se farbam a kosa  mi ne izgleda beživotno i kao da nema volumen. 

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