Another Sunday, another art inspiration. This time it's fashion designer Rei Kawabuko, a name behind the famous house Comme des Garçons. She is one of the designers who first started experimenting with deconstruction of garments which made a path for many avant-garde designers to come. At first her work was minimalistic and fabrics were mostly black. The clothes caused a mixed reactions in fashion circles, even the phrase ''hiroshima shik'' was used to describe Kawabuko's work as well as the work of other Japanese designers who were heading in the same direction, like Yohji Yamamoto. Eventually black minimalistic clothes became an uniform in the circle of young and famous which made Kawabuko a well known name in fashion world. Like Balenciaga did in the 1940's and many other designers in different eras, she tested the limits of form and fabric in dressing, as well as the role of clothes and fashion in modern society. The best way to see her aesthetic is if we look thought the prism of an object we all know well, a Louis Vuitton bag. Last picture is of a bag she designed for this brand. She was invited, among other artists, to do her take on this iconic piece. I like the way she did it, it sums up the whole deconstruction philosophy her work is based on.
What do you think, is it too much for your taste or you like it as much as I do?
Još jedna nedelja i još jedna inspiracija. Ovoga puta to je modna dizajnerka Rei Kavabuko, koja je osnivač poznate modne kuće Comme des Garçons. Ona je jedna od dizajnera koji su prvi počeli da eksperimentišu sa dekonstrukcijom odevnih predmeta što je utabalo put za mnoge avangardne dizajnere koji su kasnije došli. Na početku je njena odeća bila minimalistička i materijali su bili uglavnom crni. Odeća je izazvala pomešane reakcije u modnim krugovima, čak je i fraza ''hirošima šik'' korišćena da opiše njen rad i rad ostalih japanskih dizajnera kao što je Johji Jamamoto koji su eksperimentisali na isti način. Vremenom crna minimalistička odeća postaje uniforma u krugu mladih i popularnih što je učinilo da Kavabuko postane poznato ime u modnom svetu. Kao što je Balensijaga radio četrdesetih godina 20. veka i mnogi drugi dizajneri u različitim periodima, ispitivala je granice formi i tkanina u odevanju kao i ulogu odeće i mode u savremenom društvu. Njena estetika može se sagledati na najbolji način ako gledamo kroz prizmu predmeta koji svi dobro znamo, Luj Viton torbe. Na poslednjoj fotografiji je torba koju je dizajnirala za ovaj brend. Ona je bila pozvana, pored drugih umetnika, da dizajnira torbu na svoj način. Meni se svidja kako je to uradila, pokazuje celu filozofiju dekonstrukcionizma na kojoj se zasniva njen rad.
Šta vi mislite, da li je ovo previše za vaš ukus ili vam se sviđa kao meni?
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