Season of colds has officially begun. I've been sick for days. Slowly I'm recovering and drinking a lot of tea (which I love) and resting (I've been feeling so weak that I had no other choice). Also, this drink has been helping me a lot. I actually discovered this great sore throat remedy while I was experimenting with couple of ingredients when I wasn't even sick. If you are sick try it, it will definitely help your throat feel better and it tastes delicious too. Sometimes I'll make it just because I love the taste so much, not because I need it as a medicine. 
You'll need one lemon, one piece of ginger, one table spoon of honey and a cup of water. Lemon is obviously high in vitamin C, which helps fight any cold and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Main cause of sore throat are bacterias so it's good to take food that naturally fights them. Ginger is as well antibacterial plus it's antifungal and a natural analgesic which means it will ease the pain in your throat. Honey is well known for anti-inflammatory properties and will soothe the irritation like nothing else. 
Now you just have to mix all the ingredients in one tasty remedy. First fill your pot with water and leave it on the lowest setting to heat slowly. Squeeze the lemon and pour it in as well. Blend the ginger in a blender and add it as well. If you don't have a blender, you can always put the whole piece of ginger in and get it out before serving. Once it's warm enough to your taste add honey, let it melt for a bit and enjoy your drink!

Sezona gripa je zvanično počela. Ja sam bolesna već danima. Polako se oporavljam i pijem dosta čajeva (koje obožavam) i odmaram se (toliko sam malaksala da nemam izbora). Takođe, ovaj napitak mi dosta pomaže. U stvari sam otkrila ovaj odličan lek za bolno grlo dok sam eksperimentisala sa nekoliko sastojaka kad uopšte ni nisam bila bolesna. Ako ste bolesni, probajte ga, sigurno će vam smanjiti bol u grlu a i ukus je odličan. Nekad pravim ovo piće samo zato što mi je vrlo ukusno, ne zato što mi treba kao lek.
Za recept je potreban jedan limun, parčence đumbira, jedna supena kašika meda i šolja vode. Limun je naravno bogat vitaminom C, što pomaže u borbi protiv svake prehlade i gripa. Ima i antibakterijska i protivupalna svojstva. Glavni uzrok bola u grlu su bakterije tako da je dobro uzimati hranu koja se prirodno bori protiv njih. Đumbir takođe deluje antibakterijski, ali i protiv gljivica i još je prirodni anestetik što znači da će ublažiti bol . Med je dobro poznat zbog svojih protivupalnih svojstava i smiriće iritaciju kao ni jedan drugi sastojak. 
Treba samo da pomešate sve sastojke za ovaj ukusan lek. Prvo sipajte vodu u džezvu ili lonče i ostavite na najmanjoj temperaturi da se polako greje. Iscedite limun i dodajte ga. Izblendujte đumbir u blenderu i dodajte i njega. Ako nemate blender možete da stavite ceo komadić đumbira unutra i da ga izvadite pre sipanja u šolju. Kada se ugreje onoliko koliko vam odgovara dodajte med, ostavite da se malo otopi i uživajte u napitku!