I didn't post a recipe in a while and yesterday I made this delicious salad and thought it's worth posting. If you like fresh celery this is a salad for you. I know that not all people like it, my Mum for example can't eat it fresh. There are many celery salad recipes out there and most of them have apples in the ingredients list as well. I think celery and apple are great together in any recipe. This is my take on that combination, it's super easy and very delicious.
Here's what you need:
-couple celery sticks
-one larger green apple (I didn't have green apples this time, but it tastes better if they are green)
-white cheese (as much as you like)
-hand full of peeled sunflower seeds
Wash the apple and cut it into small cubes, I prefer it with the peel, but you can peel it off before cutting if you like. Clean the celery sticks from all the leaves, wash and cut them as well. Mix them in a bowl, add cheese and sprinkle sunflower seeds on top. It's as easy as that, you have a delicious salad in just couple minutes.
Dugo nisam napisala post sa receptom a juče sam pravila ovu salatu i pomislila sam da vredi da napišem recept. Ako volite svež celer ovo je recept za vas. Znam da ga ne vole svi u tom obliku, na primer moja mama ne može da jede svež celer. Ima mnogo recepata za salatu od celera i dosta njih u listi sastojaka ima i jabuke. Ja mislim da se celer i jabuka sjajno slažu u svakom receptu. Ovako ja pravim ovu salatu, jako je jednostavno i ukusno.
Evo šta je potrebno:
-nekoliko stabljika celera
-jedna veća zelena jabuka (ja nisam imala zelene jabuke ovog puta, ali lepši je ukus sa zelenom jabukom)
-feta sir (koliko god volite)
-šaka oljuštenih suncokretovih semenki
Operite jabuku i iseckajte na kockice, ja više volim da ostavim ljusku ali možete da je oljuštite pre sečenja ako želite. Očistite celer od listova, operite ga i takođe iseckajte. Pomešajte ih u činiji, dodajte sir i pospite semenkama. I eto, toliko je jednostvno, imate spremnu ukusnu salatu za samo nekoliko minuta.
Zdravo :) Nominovala sam te za Liebster nagradu na svom blogu, možeš da pogledaš ovdje o čemu se radi: http://in-love-with-art.blogspot.com/2015/02/liebster-award-11-facts-about-me.html
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