Your answer is probably yes, if you clicked to read more. And if you are not sure whether your hair has reached the phase when it needs a detox look for these signs:
-is it more dry than usual?
-does it look dull and lifeless?
-did all your attempts to make it better with tons of conditioners and hair masks fail?
If you answered yes to all of these questions it looks like your hair is in a desperate need of a detox. You may also ask why and question the efficiency of detoxing methods. Here's what is actually going on. Most of the products we love and use on our hair has silicone in it (look for any ingredient ending with cone, that's your silicone). Silicon makes our hair look amazing, silky, smooth, flawless. But what happens is that over the time silicone builds up and completely covers the hairs. Naturally, any new product you are applying can't work its magic on the hair from all the old build up. Some hair experts suggest avoiding products containing silicone all together. For me that is not an option, I gave it a go, but my frizzy hair craves masks and conditioners that are packed with silicons. Bare in mind that those products don't actually help the hair on the long run. They just make it look good for the time being. So what to do when you see your hair is tired of silicone?
Well, then it's time for detoxing. Best way to do this is to use hair products that are completely silicone free. What I like to do is to wash my hair with silicone free shampoo every week of every two weeks to prevent silicone build up. After washing the hair I follow with silicon free hair mask (Genera cosmetics makes good ones, I tried their Coconut mask and it was pretty good) or with coconut oil. Sometimes I apply a home made mask, you can find a recipe here. In my experience the cheapest shampoos are the best for this, because they often have the simplest ingredients. My favourite is Palmolive Naturals Anti-dandruff shampoo (all Palmolive Naturals shampoo are silicone free). I used it when I was little and it reminds me of my childhood. Smell is really something different, I absolutely love it! Another tip, coco-betanine supposedly helps to get rid of silicone, so look for it in the ingredients list. I know some Garnier Naturals shampoos have coco-betanine, one that I used is their mango and tiare flowers shampoo and it worked nice. If you do this detox regularly your hair will look great and products you use will work better.
Da li je vašoj kosi potrebna detoksikacija? Odgovor je verovatno da, čim ste kliknuli da pročitate više. Ako niste baš sigurni da li vam je kosa u toj fazi, obratite pažnju na ove znakove:
-da li je suvlja nego inače?
-da li izgleda beživotno i ispijeno?
-da li su svi pokušaji da je ''oživite'' maskama i regeneratorima propali?
Ako je vaš odgovor na sva ova pitanja bio da, kosa vam je zrela za detoksikaciju. Možda se pitate da li su to samo prazne priče i koliko su detoks metode stvarno efikasne. Evo kako to funkcioniše. Većina proizvoda koje volimo i koristimo na kosi sadrže silikon (potražite sastojke koji se završavaju sa cone u listi sastojaka, to su sve silikoni). Od silikona kosa sjajno izgleda, glatka je, mekana, savršena. Ali tokom vremena silikon se nataloži na kosi i potuno prekrije dlaku. Logično, svaki novi proizvod koji koristite ne može da deluje od tog starog sloja. Neki eksperti za kosu savetuju izbegavanje proizvoda sa silikonom u potpunosti. Za mene to nije moguće, probala sam, ali moja kosa traži maske i regeneratore koji su puni silikona. Ipak, znajte da ti proizvodi ne pomažu kosi na duge staze. Samo je učine lepom jedno vreme. Pa šta onda raditi kad vam se kosa umori od silikona?
Tada je vreme za detoksikaciju. Najbolji način da to uradite je da koristite proizvode bez silikona. Ono što ja volim da uradim je da operem kosu šamponom bez ovog sastojka svake nedelje ili svake dve nedelje da bih sprečila nagomilavanje. Posle pranja stavim masku koja je takođe bez silikona (Genera kozmetika pravi odlične maske bez silikona, ja sam probala njihovu masku sa kokosom) ili kokosovo ulje. Ponekad stavim i masku koju pravim kod kuće, ovde možete da nadjete recept za nju. Po mom iskustvu najjeftiniji šamponi su najbolji za ovo, zato što imaju samo nekoliko sastojaka. Moj omiljeni je Palmolive Naturals šampon protiv peruti (svi Palmolive Naturals šamponi su bez silikona). Koristila sam ga kad sam bila mala i strašno me podseća na detinjstvo. Miris je stvarno poseban, obožavam ga! Još jedan savet, coco-betanin bi trebalo da pomogne pri ''čišćenju'' od silikona, pa potražite i njega u listi sastojaka. Znam da neki Garnier Naturals šamponi sadrže coco-betanin, ja sam koristila njihov šampon sa mangom i cvetovima tiare i fino je radio. Ako redovno radite ovaj detoks kosa će vam divno izgledati i proizvodi koje koristite će bolje da deluju.
Svi šamponi koje sam pomenula, kao i Genera proizvodi prodaju se u Liliju, a kokosovo ulje može da se kupi u bilo kojoj zdravoj hrani.
Yes my hair definitely needs a pick me up, great post.
Thanks, you should try this, it's super easy and quick. :)
Deletevolim koristiti kokosovo ulje :D
ReplyDeletehvala na preporuci Palmolive Naturals šampon protiv peruti, mislim da ću ga isprobati :D
Nema na čemu, ja obožavam njegov miris tako me opusti i vrati u detinjstvo. :)