Last couple of days my lips were quite dry and chapped and that's probably because I was wearing too much bold lipstick and completely ignoring my rule of wearing only lip balm when it's cold.. So I guess I had it coming. Whenever my lips get very dry I follow these steps to get them back to being soft and smooth. Actually I should always take time and follow them, it really does wonders for the lips if you take a good care of them. These steps are super simple but I feel like we often forget to do all of them. 

So here they go:

Scrub At first I was a sceptic about lip scrub and thought it would be to harsh for the lips, but later I saw it can be a life saver for your lips. I'm still using my Sweet lips Lush lip scrub and I usually scrub the lips before I go to bed so the lips have time to regenerate over the night. 

Use lip balm at home Pack as much lip balm over the lips as possible, even three to four layers if you need to. I apply it before bed, while I'm doing my makeup and whenever I have time. When I'm at home I use Oriflame Tender care balm, it's very thick and hydrating. 

Wear lip balm outside Like I said, you should definitely wear lip balm instead of lipstick. Obviously I can't pack a huge amount of lip balm on my lips outside like I do at home, it would just look funny. Also I can't use a lip balm in a pot on the go, we all know it's not handy at all, so I use Maybelline Babylips, Cherry me and Peach kiss are my two favourites.

Don't ever lick your lips I know, when the lips are dry and chapped we all have a need to lick them and make them soft again. It does offer an instant relief but the moisture will evaporate leaving the lips even more dry. I find myself doing it without even thinking about it and try to stop myself ever time.

Poslednjih nekoliko dana usne su mi bile jako suve i ispucale i to je verovatno zato što sam nosila previše jakih karmina i potpuno ignorisala svoje pravilo da nosim samo balzam za usne kada je hladno. Tako da pretpostavljam da sam sama kriva za to. Kad god mi usne postanu dosta suve pratim sve ove korake da bi ponovo bile mekane i glatke. U stvari bi trebalo stalno da odvojim vreme i da sve ovo radim, zaista čini čuda za usne ako brinete o njima. Svi ovi koraci su jako jednostavni ali mislim da često zaboravimo sve ovo da radimo.

I evo su koraci:

Radite piling Prvo sam bila skeptična što se pilinga za usne tiče i mislila sam da će biti previše grub za usne, ali posle se pokazalo da je pravi spas za ispucala usta. I dalje koristim Lush Sweet lips piling i obično ga koristim pred spavanje da bi usne imale vremena da se regenerišu preko  noći.

Koristite balzam za usne kod kuće Stavite što više balzama na usne i tri četiri sloja ako je potrebno. Ja ga koristim pred spavanje, dok se šminkam i kad god imam vremena. Kod kuće koristim Oriflame Univerzalni balzam, jako je gust i odlično hidrira.

Koristite balzam napolju Kao što sam rekla, definitivno treba nositi balzam umesto karmina. Naravno ne mogu da natrpam ogromnu količinu balzama kada sam napolju kao što obično radim kod kuće, to bi izgledalo smešno. Takođe ne mogu da koristim balzam koji je u teglici kada nisam kod kuće, svi znamo koliko je to nepraktično, tako da obično nosim Maybelline Babylips, Cherry me i Peach kiss su moja dva omiljena Babylips labela.

Nemojte nikada da ližete usne Znam, kada su nam usne suve svi imamo potrebu da ih ližemo da bi ponovo postale meke. Stvarno je instant olakšanje kad to uradimo ali kada vlaga ispari usne su još suvlje nego što su bile. Ja to radim potpuno nesvesno, iz navike, i pokušavam da zaustavim sebe svaki put.