Remember when I said (in my Spring staples post) I'm not mentioning any ballet flats because I'm saving them for a special post? Well, here it is. This is my favourite type of ballet flats, flats that look like two-tone Chanel flats, except Chanel ones almost always have a bow and I'm not the biggest fan of bows on shoes. I actually realised I love this shoe model when I got my first similar pair which I wore all the time. They were inexpensive and I bought them in a small no brand shop while I was still in high school. The model was your normal two-tone ballerina flat, the body of the shoe was yellow beige and the tip was black and shinny. I liked them a lot, but they were not made of leather (or any good quality material) so after a while they were ruined, that's how much I wore them. Actually, I had them for a long while, 3 or 4 years. Although I eventually had to throw them away those shoes helped me find one of my favourite shoe types. I tried to find a similar model I'll like after I throw those away and I ended up buying a pair of black leather flats (with a shinny tip). Those were nice, still I felt like I need to keep looking for my perfect pair. And I found them on THE OUTNET website. These are Paxton leather ballet flats from Michael by Michael Kors. Strictly speaking, they aren't that new, I bought them couple of months ago, but I didn't show them on the blog and due to cold weather I haven't wore them. Spring starts today and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for nicer weather so I can give these babes a go. 

Sećate se kad sam (u mom Spring staples postu) rekla da neću da pominjem baletanke jer ih čuvam za poseban post? E, pa, vreme je za taj post. Ovo je moj omiljeni model baletanki, one koje izgledaju kao dvobojne Šanel baletanke, osim što Šanelove skoro uvek imaju i mašnicu, a ja nisam baš ljubitelj cipela sa mašnicama. Shvatila sam da volim ovakav model kad sam kupila svoj prvi sličan par i nisam ih skidala. Bile su jako povoljne i kupila sam ih u maloj nebrendiranoj prodavnici dok sam još išla u srednju školu. Model je bio standardan za ovakve cipele u dva tona, boja cipela je bila žućkasto-krem a vrh crne boje i lakovan. Jako sam ih volela, nisu bile od kože (ili nekog drugog kvalitetnijeg materijala) tako da su posle određenog vremena bile za bacanje, toliko sam ih nosila. U stvari, nisam ih imala ni toliko kratko, tri ili četiri godine. Iako sam na kraju morala da ih bacim, pomogle su mi da otkrijem jedan od mojih omiljenih modela cipela. Pokušala sam da nađem slične pošto sam ih bacila i na kraju sam kupila jedan lep par od crne kože (sa lakovanim vrhom). One jesu bile lepe, ali i dalje sam osećala potrebu da nastavim da tražim savršeni par. I našla sam ih skoro na OUTNET sajtu. Ovo su Michael by Michael Kors Paxton kožne baletanke. Strogo govoreći, nisu toliko nove, kupila sam ih pre nekoliko meseci, ali nisam ih pokazala na blogu i zbog hladnog vremena nisam ih još ni nosila. Proleće počinje danas i nadam se lepšem vremenu pa da mogu da isprobam ove lepotice.