Haul post today, first NYX bits I got in ages. I think I haven't got anything form NYX for more than a year. It's not that I don't like them, just that I was trying so many other products so NYX goodies had to wait their turn. Another thing I also wanted but forgot to buy is their Eyebrow marker, so I guess I'll have to make another visit to get it soon. Here I'll only list the things I got and first impressions and I'll write a full review about every product when I properly test them. I planed to write a review for HD concealer this week, stay tuned if you want to read it.
So here are the latest additions to my makeup collection:
Powder blush in Taupe Oh Taupe, you lovely, mythical blush. Every beauty blogger and beauty blog reader knows about Taupe. So far I like it, we well see when the trial period is over.
HD Concealer in CW 02 Not much to say here, I needed a new concealer because my Healthy mix concealer is getting empty and I haven't tried this one from NYX. I like that they have a lot of colors to choose from and this one fits me perfectly. Like I said, review coming soon!
Jumbo penciles in Milk and Pots&Pans My old Milk pencil is almost at its end and I needed a silver pencil for quick makeup looks (I have goldy/bronzy one already, Sephora Jumbo liner in Copper) so I got these two. One thing confused me though, they smell a bit plasticy and my old Milk pencil didn't smell like that. I only used Pots&Pans so far and I sharpened the pencil because I thought only the first layer around it smells like that, smell is less noticeable, but I don't know what's happening. It didn't irritate my eyes which is a god thing.
Butter lipstick in Fizzies I've never tried Butter lipstick before and I love it! It smells so good and is as smooth and creamy as real butter.
Matte lipstick in Indie flick Bright orange lipstick is what I wanted to try for a while. This one seemed like a good choice. I like it, I will write a post about wearing bold orange lips soon.
Slim lip pencil in Orange I wanted to up my orange lips game and I got the lip liner to go with the lipstick. They are a match made in heaven, I've been wearing this combo a lot.
That's all I got, I'll start writing reviews, HD concealer post will be up soon!
Haul post danas, posle dužeg vremena sam se ponovila NYX šminkom. Mislim da nisam kupila ništa od NYX proizvoda više od godinu dana. Nije da mi se ne sviđaju, nego sam isprobavala dosta drugih proizvoda pa su divne stvari iz NYX-a morale da čekaju svoj red. Još jedna stvar koju sam želela, ali sam zaboravila da kupim je njihov Eyebrow marker, tako da pretpostavljam da ću morati ponovo da ih posetim uskoro. Ovde ću napisati samo šta je novo i prve utiske, a pune recenzije o svakom proizvodu ću napisati čim ih pošteno isprobam. Planirala sam da napišem recenziju HD korektora, pa pratite blog ako želite to da pročitate.
I evo ih najnoviji članovi moje kolekcije šminke:
Powder blush u boji Taupe O, Taupe, ti divno, mitsko rumenilo. Svaki bloger koji piše o lepoti i svaki čitalac takvog bloga zna za Taupe. Za sada mi se sviđa, videćemo kad prođe period testiranja.
HD korektor u boji CW 02 Nema ništa posebno da se kaže kod ovog proizvoda, bio mi je potreban korektor zato što je moj Healthy mix korektor pri kraju a nisam probala ovaj. Svidja mi se što imaju veliki izbor boja i ova mi savršeno odgovara. Kao što sam pomenula, recenzija će uskoro!
Jumbo olovke u nijansi Milk i Pots&Pans Stara Milk olovka mi je skoro potrošena i bila mi je potrebna srebrna olovka za brzo šminkanje (već imam zlatkasto/bronzanu, Sephora Jumbo olovku u boji Copper) pa sam uzela ove dve. Jedna stvar me je zbunila, mirišu malo na istopljenu plastiku a moja stara Milk olovka nije tako mirisala. Za sada sam koristila samo Pots&Pans i rezala sam je zato što sam mislila da jedino prvi sloj oko olovke miriše tako, miris je sada manje primetan ali ne znam šta se događa. Nije mi iritirala oči što je dobra stvar.
Butter lipstick u nijansi Fizzies Nisam probala Butter karmin ranije i jako mi se sviđa! Miriše divno i mekan je i kremast kao pravi puter.
Matte lipstick u boji Indie flick Jarko narandžasti karmin je nešto što želim da probam već duže vreme. Ovaj mi je izgledao kao dobar izbor. Svidja mi se, napisaću post o nošenju jarko narandžastog karmina uskoro.
Slim lip pencil u boji Orange Htela sam da podignem celu stvar sa narandžastim karminom na viši nivo pa sam uzela i olovku za usne koja se slaže sa njim. Stvarno se jako dobro slažu, dosta sam nosila tu kombinaciju.
To je sve što sam ovog puta izabrala, počeću da pišem recenzije, post o HD korektoru će uskoro biti na blogu!
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