When Spring approaches the drive to bring out the florals is growing stronger. But what happens when you don't want to wear floral print, still you feel the need to brighten up your Spring wardrobe? I had many style phases and during some of them I didn't wear color or pattern at all, so I am the right person to understand if you can't force yourself to wear some color. Weather you are trying to incorporate color and pattern in your outfits or looking for different Spring prints here's a list of non-floral, yet Spring patterns.

Navy stripes The most logical choice (and already mentioned in my Spring staples post), stripes are perfect for people who don't like wearing color. Navy stripes are always so stylish and easy to wear. 

Other stripes Sometimes we forget how many other stripes are out there besides navy stripes. There are many options to pick from and find the color combination you like the most.

Abstract patterns My personal favourite and the pattern that you can really get creative with. Also, you can express your personality the best with this type of pattern.

Non-floral florals If you are not the biggest fan of florals, but still want to give them a go, two color floral pattern is the safest option and a good start. Patterns of that kind often don't seem floral at all, when less color is involved fabric is more subtle and easier to wear.

Cashmere pattern Besides well known cashmere wool there's also a cashmere pattern which I find seriously pretty. Although I love it, I think it can be a bit too much to wear fabrics completely covered in this print, so I choose ones with occasional sprinkle of cashmere pattern.

Non-military camo One of pattern discoveries I'm really proud off. I can't wear camo for the life of me. I just think it looks funny and juvenile on me. However, non-military camo is a whole different story. You get the lovely outlines of this pattern in other colors than green. It's a win-win situation! 

P. S. I didn't include polka dots, I am the hugest fun of polka dots, but I think it takes a special kind of retro vibe Summer outfit to pull them off so I decided to skip them in this post.

Kad se proleće približi javlja se i želja da potražimo cvetne printove po ormanu. Ali šta ako ne želite da nosite cvetni print, ali i dalje želite da osvežite prolećnu garderobu? Prošla sam mnoge faze u oblačenju i u mnogima od njih nisam nosila jarke boje ili odeću sa printovima, tako da mogu da razumem ako ne možete da se naterate da nosite printove. Bilo da pokušavate da uključite boju i printove u svoje odevanje ili tražite neke nove odevne kombinacije za proleće, evo je lista prolećnih printova koji nisu cvetni.

Mornarske prugice Najlogičniji izbor (i već spomenute u mom Spring staples postu), mornarske prugice su savršene za one koji ne vole da nose puno boja. Uvek su elegantne i lako ih je nositi.

Ostale prugice Ponekad zaboravimo koliko drugih raznih vrsta pruga ima, sem mornarski. Postoji toliko opcija od kojih možete da izaberete kombinaciju boja koju najviše volite.

Apstraktni printovi Meni lično omiljeni i oni sa kojima možete stvarno da budete kreativni. Takođe, svoju ličnost možete najbolje da ispoljite ovom vrstom printa.

''Cvetni printovi'' koji nisu cvetni Ako niste neko ko voli cvetni print, ali i dalje imate želju da ih probate, oni u samo dve boje su najsigurnija opcija i dobar početak. Ovakvi printovi najčešce nisu jarki i pretrpani cvetovima, kada su u dve boje diskretniji su i lakši za kombinovanje.

Kašmir šara Pored dobro poznate kašmir vune, popularna je i šara sa istim imenom koju ja smatram jako lepom. Iako je volim, mislim da je previše nositi odeću skroz pokrivenu ovim printom, tako da biram onu na kojoj je kašmir šara retko raspoređena.

Militari print koji nije vojnički Jedna od šara na čije sam otkrivanje posebno ponosna. Ja ne mogu da nosim militari print ni da mi život od toga zavisi. Mislim da izgleda smešno i detinjasto na meni. Militari print koji nije u vojničkim bojama je druga stvar. Ima divnu šaru militari printa ali u boji koja nije zelena. Vin-vin situacija!

P. S. Nisam uključila tufnice, ja jesam veliki ljubitelj tufnica, ali potrebna je posebna letnja kombinacija u retro duhu da bi one lepo izgledale, tako da sam odlučila da ih preskočim u ovom postu.