The past year was not a year of lip gloss for me. I think it's because lately all of us focused more on bold and bright lipstick colours than on glosses. Early 2000's were the years of gloss, sometimes when I see a music video or a movie from that period I'm amused with the amount of lip gloss that some gals wore. From today's perspective it looks plain crazy to walk around with that much lip gloss on. The 2010's brought an era of matte lips and all sorts of lipstick experiments. I have to say I wasn't a lip gloss enthusiast for years, since I was eight to be exact. Somehow I didn't the idea of shinny lips and I also wasn't happy about my hair sticking to my lips every time the wind was blowing. Last week I started trying out lip gloss again and I remember the one big advantage about this particular lip product I completely forgot. It makes your lips look so much bigger and fuller! I know most of you are aware of this fact, but I didn't think about it while I was not wearing lip gloss.
If you are also planning to start wearing it again, here are the steps I follow to get those perfect glossed lips:
1) Outlining the lips I know this may sound scary, you don't want that weird look where your lips are outlined with dark lip liner and the lips are bare. My tip is to use the color that is couple shades darker that your normal lip colour. When you draw the line you are happy with blend the lip liner gently with your finger to create a natural look. Here I used Deborah Lipliner in the shade 10 (apparently the lip liner I use in every look).
2) Highlighting You've probably heard this tip before, highlighting the lips gives them a nice dimension and makes them look fuller. I like to use a white eyeliner and dab it on the center of my upper and lower lip. If it looks too harsh, I blend it a bit more. For this step I always use NYX Jumbo eye pencil in Milk.
3) The gloss Third step is, of course, applying the gloss. This is pretty self explanatory, I like to keep it simple and use only one layer of gloss. Currently I'm obsessed with Dior Addict Gloss in the shade 256, so that's the gloss I'm wearing here.
The rest of my makeup: NYX HD concealer in CW 02, Bourjois Silk edition powder compact in the shade 52, Coastal Scents Warm palette, Bourjois Liner Pinceau in Black, Bourjois Khol&Contour eye pencil in black, Benefit Brow Zings in Light, Bourjois baked blush in Rose Pompon, MAC Cream color base in Luna, Rimmel Lash Accelerator Endless mascara in Black.
Prošla godina za mene nije bila godina sjaja za usne. Mislim da je to zbog činjenice da smo u poslednje vreme svi više skoncentrisani na jarke i tamne karmine nego na sjajeve. Prošla decenija je bila vreme sjajeva, ponekad kada vidim spot ili film iz tog perioda zabavi me to koliko su sjaja neke devojke nosile. Iz današnje perspektive izgleda potpuno ludo nositi toliku količinu sjaja za usne. Otprilike od 2010. počinje period mat usana i raznih eksperimenata sa karminima. Moram da kažem da nisam bila entuzijasta za sjajeve godinama, još od svoje osme godine da budem precizna. Nekako mi se nije sviđala ideja sjajnih usana i takođe nisam bila srećna kad mi se kosa zalepi za usne svaki put kada duva vetar. U toku prošle nedelje sam počela ponovo da isprobavam sjajeve I tek sam se tada setila jedne velike prednosti kod ovog proizvoda za usne, koju sam potpuno zaboravila. Od njega usne izgledaju mnogo veće i punije! Znam da je većina vas svesna ove činjenice, ali ja o njoj nisam razmišljala dok nisam nosila sjaj.
Ako planirate da počnete ponovo da ga nosite, ovo su koraci koje pratim da bih dobila te savršene usne sa sjajem:
1) Iscrtavanje usana Verujem da ovo može strašno da zvuči, ne želite onaj čudni izgled gde je okvir usana iscrtan tamnom olovkom a usne su prirodne boje. Moj savet je da koristite boju koja je nekoliko nijansi tamnija od vaše boje usana. Kada iscrtate liniju kojom ste zadovoljni, nežno prstom razmažite olovku da biste dobili prirodan izgled. Ovde sam koristila Deborah olovku za usne u boji 10 (ispade da je to olovka koju koristim za svaki mogući izgled).
2) Hajlajter Verovatno ste već čuli za ovaj trik, nanošenje hajlajtera usnama daje finu dimenziju i čini da one deluju punije. Ja volim da koristim belu olovku za oči i da je utapkam na sredinu gornje i donje usne. Ako izgleda neprirodno, razmažem olovku još malo. Za ovaj korak uvek koristim NYX Jumbo olovku za oči u boji Milk.
3) Sjaj Treći korak je, naravno, nanošenje sjaja. Ovo je već samo po sebi jasno, ja volim da sjaj izgleda jednostavno pa nanesem samo jedan sloj. Trenutno sam opsednuta Dior Addict sjajem u nijansi 256, pa je to sjaj koji ovde nosim.
Ne mogu ja sa sjajevima. Mnogo mi se svidja kako izgledaju na usnama, ali to lepljenje svega i usana za same
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