Couple of days ago I went to the launch of new Juliette has a Gun scent in Metropoliten store in Belgrade. The latest edition to their unusual line is Gentlewoman fragrance. It was launched at the beginning of the year, and thanks to the Metropoliten it arrived in Serbia.
I am the first to admit I'm not an perfume expert, but I always love a good story and the story behind this brand is surely an interesting one. 
First time I've heard about Juliette has a Gun was right after the brand was founded in 2006. My sister (who's a huge perfume buff) was very excited and told me: ''Did you hear that Nina Rici's grandson launched his own perfume line?'' Like I said, I do love a good story, so I was as interested as I was when I found out that Vivienne Westwood's son owns Agent Provocateur. Just give me an intriguing family connection and, apparently, I'm hooked. 

And, indeed, Romano Ricci, the great grandson of Nina Rici, and the grandson of Robert Ricci (founder of Nina Ricci's fragrance line) is a name behind the brand.
Although he was born in Paris, Romano spent his childhood in Fontainebleau, near the Nina Ricci perfumes factory and this fragrance mentor was Robert Ricci himself. Today Juliette has a Gun is one of the most recognisable niche perfume houses in the world.
Every fragrance from the line represents a different side of Juliette's personality, and every time a new scent is presented we get to experience a new side of Juliette. The first fragrance Miss Charming is showing her romantic side, Lady Vengeance the seductive one, Citizen Queen gives a preview to her sophisticates side, Calamity J. represents her strong role in the society, Midnight Oud is inspired by orient and adventure, Romantina tels a story of a young and innocent love, Vengeance Extreme shows her provocative side, Mad Madame is a more mature version of Juliette. In 2013. the first perfume for both women and men was launched (Anyway), as well as the Luxury collection that now has two perfumes: Oil Fiction and Moon Dance.

With Gentlewoman we get to see her androgynous, dandy side. I have to say I expected the fragrance to be different and the scent of bergamot to be dominant. Actually, it's very citrusy and quite refreshing. I could smell orange blossom and lavender, which are the middle notes in this fragrance and the scents I like a lot.

Have you tested this fragrance, how do you like it?

Pre nekoliko dana bila sam na promociji novog Julliete has a Gun parfema u parfimeriji Metropoliten. Najnoviji parfem u ovoj neobičnoj liniji je Gentlewoman. Prvi put je predstavljen početkom ove godine, a zahvaljujući Metropolitenu stigao je i u Srbiju.
Priznajem da nisam stručnjak za parfeme, ali uvek volim dobru priču o brendu, a ova je svakako zanimljiva.
Prvi put sam čula za Juliette has a Gun parfeme odmah posle osnivanja brenda 2006. godine. Moja sestra (koja je veliki ljubitelj prfema) je bila jako uzbuđena i pitala me je da li sam čula da je unuk Nine Riči kreirao svoju liniju parfema. Kao što sam rekla, uvek me zanimaju dobre priče o nastanku brenda, pa sam bila zainteresovana kao i onda kada sam saznala da je sin Vivijen Vestvud osnivač brenda Agent Provocateur. Izgleda je dovoljno da mi date intrigantnu porodičnu vezu i već sam navučena.

I zaista, Romano Riči, praunuk Nine Riči i unuk Roberta Ričija (osnivača Nina Riči linije parfema) je ime iza ovog brenda.
Iako je rođen u Parizu, Romano je proveo detinjstvo u mestu Fontenblo, blizu fabrike Nina Riči parfema. Njegov mentor u svetu parfema je bio sam Romano Riči. Danas je Juliette has a Gun jedna od najpoznatijih niche parfemskih kuća na svetu.
Svaki parfem iz kolekcije predstavlja drugačiju stranu Julijine ličnosti i sa svakim novim parfemom imamo priliku da upoznamo novu stranu. Prvi parfem Miss Charming pokazuje romantičnu stranu, Lady Vengeance zavodljivu, Citizen Queen prefinjenu, Calamity J. predstavlja njenu jaku ulogu u društvu,  Midnight Oud je inspirisan Orijentom i avanturom, Romantina priča priču o nevinoj ljubavi, Vengeance Extreme pokazuje njenu provokativnu stranu, dok je Mad Madame zrelija verzija Julije. Prvi parfem i za muškarce i za žene (Anyway) je lansiran 2013. godine, kao i luksuzna kolekcija koja danas ima dva parfema: Oil Fiction i Moon Dance.

Gentlewoman nam omogućava da vidimo njenu androgenu, dendi stranu. Moram da kažem da sam očekivala da parfem drugačije miriše i da miris mošusa bude dominantniji. Zapravo, vrlo je citrusan i jako osvežavajući. Najviše su izraženi mirisi pomorandžinog cveta i lavande, što su srednje note ovog parfema i mirisi koje jako volim.

Da li ste probali ovaj parfem? Ako niste, svratite do Metropolitena da probate njega i ostale Juliette has a Gun parfeme. Bacite pogled i na divan tekst koji je Tijana sa bloga Pudrijerica napisala o parfemu.

Photos by Dario Marić