Recently I was writing a paper for an exam that included describing one item from the Metropolitan museum of art collection. This museum's collection contains so many extraordinary art pieces which inspired me to write a post featuring some of them. I picked just a couple (a hard task, considering all the ones I thought were interesting and special) to share in this post, if you want to see more, just visit museum's website.
A painting by Rothko had to be in here, considering my love for his work. Also, I did an Easter art inspiration post featuring some of his prettiest paintings. Next to Rothko's painting you can see a vase by Miyashita Zenji. His pottery reminds me of Rothko's work a lot, especially because of the colours and colour field elements. On the other hand his work is a contemporary version of Ming dynasty vases, because of the different shades of blue he uses.
Below we have a Cycladic sculpture representing a standing female figure. Although it was made in the 3rd millennium BC it has an almost contemporary shape, with it's sharp lines and elegant form, Similar lines and form can be seen on Picasso's Bottle and Wine Glass on a Table (on the right). This is a mixture of a drawing and collage and one of the works that marks the beginning of his cubist phase.
The next image is can abstract painting by Jackson Pollock. He is one of my favourite artists and the pioneer of abstract expressionism. I think I haven't wrote much about him on this blog so I decided to include this painting as well.
Last is an Egyptian bowl from Ptolemaic Period. It's more than 2100 years old but the colours are still vivid and very beautiful. The floral decoration is also amazing.
I hope you liked this little sneak peak into museum's collection, you can find more on
All the photos are from the museum's website.
Skoro sam pisala rad za ispit koji je uključivao i opis jednog predmeta iz kolekcije Metropoliten muzeja umetnosti. Ova kolekcija sadrži ogroman broj neverovatnih umetničkih dela što me je inspirisalo da napišem post sa nekima od njih. Izabrala sam nekoliko (težak zadatak sa obzirom na to da za mnoge mislim da su zanimljiva i posebna) da podelim u ovom postu, ako želite da vidite i ostala, posetite sajt muzeja.
Rotkova slika je morala da se nađe među njima jer zaista jako volim njegov rad. Takođe, napisala sam i post sa uskršnjom inspiracijom koji je sadržao neke od njegovih najlepših slika. Pored Rotkove slike možete da vidite vazu koju je napravio Mijašita Zendži. Njegova keramika me dosta podseća na Rotka, posebno zbog boja koje koristi i elemenata bojenog polja. Sa druge strane ona je moderna verzija vaza iz perioda Ming dinastije, zbog različitih nijansi plave koje koristi.
Ispod je skulptura sa Kikladskih ostrva koja predstavlja žensku figuru koja stoji. Iako je napravljena u trećem milenijumu pre nove ere ima skoro pa moderan oblik sa svojim oštrim linijama i elegantnom formom. Slične linije i forme mogu se videti na Pikasovoj Boci i čaši vina na stolu (desno). Ovo je miks crteža i kolaža i jedan od radova koji označava početak njegove kubističke faze.
Sledeća je apstraktna slika Džeksona Poloka. On je jedan od mojih omiljenih umetnika i pionir apstrakntog ekspresionizma. Mislim da nisam toliko pisala o njemu na ovom blogu pa sam odlučila da uključim i ovu sliku.
Poslednja je egipatska činija iz perioda dinastije Ptolomeja. Iako je stara više od 2100 godina boje su i dalje intenzivne i vrlo lepe. Floralna dekoracija je takođe izvanredna.
Nadam se da vam se dopao ovaj mali uvid u kolekciju muzeja, više možete da nađete na
Sve fotografije su preuzete sa sajta muzeja.
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