After a while another art inspiration post is on the blog. This time I decided to write about use of gold in art. Gold is the first metal humans used, because they could easily find it in nature in its native form. Also, it wasn't complicated to refine gold, it's relatively soft so even without melting they were able to create different shapes from golden particles they found. Interesting fact is that gold is the first material that was used solely for the purpose of decoration, unlike other materials, like wood or stone, which were used for tools and weapons. There are many great examples of the use of gold in art, I choose couple I thought were the most interesting: the golden helmet of the king of Ur, Ram and the tree (offering stand from Ur), chest jewelry from Senegal, initials from the Book of Kells, golden relievo with Adam and Eve from Nuremberg (16th century), Constantin Brancusi's ''Bird'' and Max Bill's ''Six surfaces with two rectangles'' sculptures.
Hope you enjoyed this post and that you had a great weekend!
Posle dužeg vremena novi post sa umetničkom inspiracijom je na blogu. Ovoga puta odlučila sam da on bude o upotrebi zlata u umetnosti. Zlato je prvi metal koji su ljudi koristili, jer su mogli lako da ga pronađu u prirodi u njegovom čistom obliku. Takođe, obrada zlata nije bila komplikovana zato što je ono relativno mekano pa su i bez topljenja od zlata mogli da naprave različite oblike. Zanimljivo je i to što je zlato prvi materijal koji je korišćen isključivo u svrhu dekoracije, za razliku od drugih materijala, kao što su drvo i kamen, koji su korišćeni za izradu oruđa i oružja. Postoji mnogo sjajnih primera upotrebe zlata u umetnosti, izabrala sam nekoliko meni najzanimljivijih, a to su zlatna kaciga kralja grada Ura, Jarac i drvo (žrtveni stalak iz Ura), nakit za grudi iz Senegala, inicijali iz Knjige iz Kelsa, zlatni reljef sa Adamom i Evom iz Nirnberga (16. vek), skulpture ''Ptica'' Konstantina Brankuzija i ''Šest površina i dva kvadrata'' Maksa Bila.
Nadam se da ste uživali u ovom postu i da ste proveli divan vikend!
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