I'm always looking for good body scrubs and I have to say this is one of the best I've tried. It's super easy to make, you probably already have all the ingredients at home. And this is a great way to recycle used coffee grounds. All you need is one table spoon of milk, one table spoon of olive oil and, of course used coffee grounds. Milk is full of essential vitamins and it contains lactic acid that helps in breaking down dead skin cells. Olive oil enhances exfoliation because it penetrates the first layer of the skin. It also contains antioxidants like vitamin E, polyphenols and phytosterols and helps the skin to regenerate.
The recipe is quite simple. Mix all the ingredients together until they form a paste. In the shower scrub the skin like you would normally do with any scrub and then wash it off. You will be left with super soft and glowy skin. Only downside to this scrub is that it can be a bit messy, but if you are careful it won't be a problem. Coffee can sometimes leave a thin residue on the skin, just use a soap after the scrub to wash the residue off. I am sure you will be thrilled with results, because this scrub leaves the skin well exfoliated and soft in the same time.
Uvek sam u potrazi za dobrim pilingom za telo i moram da kažem da je ovo jedan od najboljih koje sam probala. Jako se lako pravi, verovatno već imate sve sastojke kod kuće. I odličan je način da iskoristite talog od kafe koju popijete. Sve što vam je potrebno je jedna supena kašika mleka, jedna supena kašika maslinovog ulja i, naravno, talog tj. soc od kafe. Mleko je puno vitamina i sadrži mlečnu kiselinu koja pomaže u ''razbijanju'' mrtvih ćelija kože. Maslinovo ulje pospešuje piling jer prodire u prvi sloj kože. Takođe sadrži antioksidante kao što su vitamin E, polifenoli i fitosteroli i pomaže koži da se regeneriše.
Recept je zaista lak. Pomešajte sve sastojke dok ne formiraju homogenu pastu. Pod tušem uradite piling kao što biste bilo kojim drugim pilingom i posle ga isperite. Koža će vam nakon ovoga biti jako mekana i sjajna. Jedina loša strana pilinga od kafe je to što može da bude pomalo neuredan, ali ako ste pažljivi to neće biti problem. Kafa može da ostavi tanak sloj na koži, jednostavno ga operite sapunom kada završite sa pilingom. Sigurna sam da ćete biti zadovoljni rezultatom, zato što ovaj piling dobro uklanja mrtve ćelije kože a u isto vreme čini kožu mekanom.
Ja jos dodam i cimet zbog mirisa :)
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