How early is too early to start thinking about holidays and indulge in the magic of Christmas spirit?
I actually had the idea and photos for this post ready for a while, but then I thought it might be to soon to post it and to start the christmassy vibe on the blog. Meanwhile, all around us Christmas spirit is happening. Shopping, decorations, gift guides, you name it.

Traditionally, in the last couple of years, after the Cyber Monday season of decoration and holiday baking is open. I mean, if you actually bought all your gifts during the Black Friday (which has now become a black weekend that evolved into Cyber Monday and Tuesday). This year even way before that. Although I am the biggest fan of the holidays, I still think we are overdoing it. I remember the times we would decorate the tree in the end of the December and bake the holiday cookies on the Christmas day. Now, by the end of November websites and blogs have already presented gift ideas, New Years hair and makeup suggestions and outfit ideas. I have to say I don't like this. By planing to much ahead you loose the true spark of the moment and the things become less spontaneous. 

There's nothing bad in being organised and planing ahead, but if we continue like this by the end of December everyone will be feed up with Christmas and holiday mood. Sometimes, less is more and you don't have to be a part of the Christmas frenzy to enjoy the holidays. You don't have to do every possible gift wrapping and baking idea you see on Pinterest. It's enough to put on your favourite sweater and make yourself a cup of nice cinnamony tea. After all, it's always the little things that make us the happiest.
P. S. Posts with holidays inspired makeup and New Year's outfit ideas are coming up.

Koliko rano je prerano da počnemo da razmišljamo o praznicima i prepustimo se magiji božićnog i novogodišnjeg duha?
Ideju i fotografije za ovaj post imala sam spremne već neko vreme, ali sam mislila da bi bilo prerano da objavim post i započnem božićnu atmosferu na blogu. Za to vreme svuda oko nas praznični duh je u punom jeku, kupovina, dekoracije, vodiči za poklone, šta god poželite.

Tradicionalno, u poslednjih nekoliko godina posle Sajber ponedeljka (perioda popusta na internet kupovinu koji dolazi nakon američkog Dana zahvalnosti), sezona ukrašavanja i prazničnih kolača je otvorena. Naravno, ako ste zaista već završili sa kupovinom poklona. Iako sam ja najveći ljubitelj praznika, smatram da preterujemo. Još se sećam vremena kada se jelka kitila poslednje nedelje decembra a božićni kolači pekli na sam dan Božića. Danas već krajem novembra sajtovi i blogovi objavljuju ideje za poklone, predloge za novogodišnju šminku, odeću i frizuru. Moram da priznam da mi se ovakav tempo ne dopada. Ako planirate previše unapred gubi se žar momenta i život postaje sve manje spontan.

Nema ničega lošeg u tome da budete organizovani i planirate unapred, ali ako ovako nastavimo do kraja decembra svima će prazničnog duha i Božića biti preko glave. Ponekad, manje je više, i ne  morate da budete deo božićne euforije da biste uživali u praznicima. Ne morate da probate svaku moguću ideju za pakovanje poklona i pravljenje prazničnih kolača koju vidite na Pinterestu. Dovoljno je da obučete svoj omiljeni džemper i napravite šolju lepog čaja sa cimetom. Na kraju krajeva, male stvari nas uvek najviše usrećuju.
P. S. Postovi sa prazničnom šminkom i idejama za novogodišnje odevne kombinacije će biti na blogu uskoro.