For a while I've been looking for good ammonium free hair dyes. Usually I have my hair dyed by a hairdresser with colours the salon normally uses. Main reason for that is because I can't colour my hair by myself and make it look presentable. My hair is long and thick and it takes a lot of time and skill to do it, by the time I get to the ends the dye is already working its magic on the roots so my colour is always uneven. In the past I used couple of brands by myself, like Garnier and Schwarzkopf and in the last couple of years I've only dyed my hair in the salons with their colours. KYO are also salon dyes, but you can get them in store as well.

Although I thought about trying ammonium free dyes for a while I was putting it off until the last time I got my hair coloured. The dye made my scalp very itchy and dry and my hair looked dry and dull. That's how I knew it was time for a change. KYO hair dyes were recommended by a friend so I decided to give them a go. The colour range is great, you can choose between 13 different lines. I picked 5.0 (Light Chestnut) and 6.0 (Dark Blonde), both are from the Natural range.

I decided to mix them because Dark Blonde looked a bit too light, but bare in mind that colours are a lot darker than they look in the samples! Also, I don't recommend mixing because it will be a pain to make the colour even that way. Next time I'll probably go with Dark Blonde only. For my hair length I needed one and a half tube of hair dye and one and a half of 6% Bio Activator (that's how KYO hydrogen is called). Like I said, I can't colour my hair by myself, so my mum had the though job of doing the colouring. And I love the way it turned out!

The colour is rich and beautiful and the hair is soft, silky and shinny. I forgot how silky my hair can be when it's not dried out by harsh dyes. This time of the year we all ready for a change, so if you want to dye your hair and are looking for the perfect ammonium free dyes, I would highly recommend these. In the gallery down bellow you can see how the boxes and Bio Activator look like, as well as before and after pictures of my hair.

What do you think, have you used ammonium free hair colours before?

Već neko vreme sam u potrazi za dobrim farbama za kosu bez amonijaka. Obično se farbam kod frizera, farbama koje salon inače koristi. Glavni razlog za to je jer ne mogu sama da se ofarbam, a da to dobro izgleda. Kosa mi je duga i gusta pa je potrebno dosta vremena i veštine da to uspešno uradim, dok stignem do krajeva farba već dugo deluje na korenu i onda je boja nejednaka. Ranije sam se sama farbala i isprobala nekoliko brendova, kao što su Garnier i Schwarzkopf. Poslednjih nekoliko godina sam se farbala kod frizera salonskim farbama. KYO su takođe salonske farbe ali ih prodaje Alexandar Cosmetics.

Iako sam duže vreme razmišljala da probam boje bez amonijaka, odlagala sam to sve do poslednjeg farbanja. Od farbe me je koža glave svrbela, a kosa mi je izgledala suvo i beživotno. Tako sam znala da je vreme za promenu. KYO farbe mi je preporučila drugarica pa sam odlučila njih da kupim. Izbor boja je sjajan, postoji 13 linija sa različitim tonovima. Ja sam izabrala 5.0 (Light Chesnut) i 6.0 (Dark Blonde), obe nijanse su iz Natural linije.

Želela sam da ih pomešam jer je Dark Blonde nijansa izgledala presvetlo u katalogu, ali imajte na umu da su boje zapravo dosta tamnije nego na uzorcima! Takođe, ne preporučujem njihovo mešanje jer je dosta teško izjednačiti boju ako mešate nijanse. Sledećeg puta ću verovatno da koristim samo Dark Blonde. Za moju dužinu kose bila mi je potrebna jedna i po tuba boje i jedna i po bočica Bio Activatora (tako se zove KYO hidrogen) sa 6% hidrogena. Kao što sam rekla, ne mogu dobro sama da se ofarbam, pa je ovaj težak zadatak pripao mojoj mami. I mnogo mi se sviđa kako je sve ispalo!

Boja je lepa i bogata, kosa je mekana, svilenkasta i sjajna. Gotovo sam zaboravila koliko svilenkasta može da mi bude kosa kad nije isušena grubim farbama. Ovo je period godine kada smo svi spremni za promene, pa ako želite da promenite boju kose, a uz to tražite farbe bez amonijaka, ove su moja topla preporuka. U galeriji slika ispod možete da vidite kako izgledaju kutije farbe i Bio Activator, kao i slike moje kose pre i posle farbanja.

Šta vi mislite, da li ste koristili farbe za kosu bez amonijaka?
