
When you are starting your own makeup collection first thing you are thinking about is which brushes to get. Right now you have so many choices and it's hard to make up your mind. My advice would be not to get the whole set from a certain brand. I did this couple of times and you just end up with too many brushes you don't even use. At first it seems like you are saving money, but actually you don't need the most of the brushes a certain set contains.

Instead of buying a set, you should focus on getting the brushes you actually need. If you are a beginner and you just started buying your first palettes and makeup kits, it is time to pick the brushes so you can apply the makeup you have properly. 
Here are the brushes you need when you are starting out, they are just enough for everyday and evening makeup:

1) Foundation brush  Although you can apply foundation with a sponge or a beauty blender (or even your fingers) I think you always get the nicest results with a brush. For liquid foundation it's the best to use a brush made of synthetic hair. If you need to, you can use the same brush for powder foundation, but you should never use a brush made of genuine hair for liquid foundation. The one I really like is Real Techniques Buffing brush.

2) Blush brush For everyday makeup you don't have to do all that heavy contouring. A sweep of a nice blush is enough. I recommend Sigma's Large angled contour F40, and Real Techniques Blush brush is also great.

3) All over the lid shadow brush Even for the simplest eye looks you'll need to apply shadow all over the lid. There are so many brushes to use for this, right now I'm loving the Blender brush from Coastal Scents 22 piece brush set.

4) Blending brush You've probably heard of the importance of blending many times before. Eyeshadow that's well blended gives a whole new dimension to every look. A great blending brush I like to use is Sephora Crease brush (number 230).

5) Highlighting brush Using a bit of hightlighting eyeshadow under your brow, in the corners of the eyes and on your cupid's bow will enxance your look. For this I'm using a shadow brush from Aura brush set, but literaly any soft, flat eyeshadow brush will do.

6) Small shadow brush Sometime's you'll want to apply shadow under the eyes as well, or to do an angled eyeshadow look. That's why you need a smaller, more precise shadow brush. The one I love is Detail shadow brush from Coastal Scents 22 piece brush set.

7) Brow brush  Obviously if you did the rest of your makeup superbly, you can't forget the brows. Sephora brow brush (number 10) is great, I've been using it for years.

8) A fan brush This is not a brush you have to own, but it does make a hudge difference if you have it in your set. Just one swoop with a fan brush and all the eyeshadow fallout fill be removed. If you are a begginer and still don't know your way with highly pigmented eyeshadows, this brush is a lifesaver. I use the one from Coastal Scents 22 piece brush set.

Kada tek počinjete da formirate svoju kolekciju šminke, prva stvar o kojoj razmišljete je koje četkice da izaberete. Trenutno postoji toliko opcija i zaista je teško odlučiti se. Moj savet bi bio da ne kupujete već spremne setove određenog proizvođača. Ovo sam uradila nekoliko puta i na kraju završila sa previše četkica koje ni ne koristim. Na prvi pogled vam se čini kako štedite novac, ali zapravo vam većina četkica koje određeni set sadrži nije ni potrebno.

Umesto da kupite ceo set, treba da nabavite četkice koje ćete stvarno i da koristite. Ako ste početnik i sada kupujete svoje prve palete i setove sa šminkom, vreme je da nabavite i četkice da biste mogli da nanosite svu šminku koju imate na pravi način.
Ovo su četkice koje će vam biti potrebne kada počinjete, sasvim su dovoljne za dnevnu i večernju šminku:

1) Četka za tečni puder Iako možete puder da nanesete i uz pomoć sunđerčića i beauty blender-a (ili čak prstima) smatram da se najlepši rezultati dobiju uz pomoć četke. Za tečni puder najbolje je koristiti četku od sintetičkih dlaka. Ako je to potrebno, istu četku možete upotrebljavati i za puder u kamenu, dok nikada ne bi trebalo da koristite četku od prave dlake za nanošenje tečnog pudera. Ona koju ja volim da koristim je Real Techniques Buffing brush.

2) Četka za rumenilo Za svakodnevni izgled ne treba vam preterano konturisanje. Sloj lepog rumenila je dovoljan. Ja preporučujem Sigma Large angled contour F40 četku, ali je i Real Techniques Blush brush takođe odlična.

3) Četkica za nanošenje senke na ceo kapak Čak i za najjednostavniju šminku na očima treba da nanesete senku na kapak. Postoji toliko četkica koje za taj zadatak možete da koristite, trenutno volim Blender brush iz Coastal Scents 22 piece brush seta.

4) Četkica za blendovanje Verovatno ste o važnosti blendovanja dosta čuli i ranije. Senka koja je lepo izblendovana daje novu dimenziju svakom izgledu. Sjajna četka za ovu svrhu je Sephora Crease brush (broj 230).

5) Četkica za hajlajt Malo svetlucave senke ispod obrva, u uglu oka i iznad usana je uvek dobrodošlo. Za nanošenje iste koristim četkicu za senku iz Aurinog seta, ali bukvalno bilo koja mekana, ravna četkica za šminku će poslužiti.

6) Mala četkica za senku Ponekad ćete želeti da nanesete senku i ispod oka, ili da izdužite senku u uglovima očiju. Za to vam je potrebna manja, preciznija četkica, kao što je Detail shadow brush iz Coastal Scents 22 piece brush seta, koju ja jako volim.

7) Četkica za obrve Naravno, ako ste se savršeno našminkali, ne možete da zaboravite na obrve. Sephora brow brush (broj 10) je odlična četkica za obrve, koristim je godinama.

8) Lepezasta četka Ovo nije četka koju morate da imate, ali dosta će vam značiti ako je deo vašeg seta. U jednom potezu uklanja ostatke senke koji su vam popadali po licu. Ako tek počinjete sa šminkanjem i ne snalazite se najbolje sa jako pigmentovanim senkama, ova četka će vas spasiti. Ja koristim onu iz Coastal Scents 22 piece brush seta.

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