If Coachella season didn't put you in boho mood, nothing will. It may be the popular style these days, but boho chic has been around as far as fashion itself, working its magic in outfits of those who had free spirits and unique approach to dressing. These days you can get away with anything, so boho can be worn for all occasions and has its place everywhere, from street style to formal wear.
Boho gives you so much freedom, you can add endless layers, different garments and as much jewelry as possible. You can also opt for a simpler version, like I did here, and combine flowy dresses with structured jackets and elegant boots. It's completely up to you and that is the full beauty of boho chic.
Ako vas Coachella festival nije ubacio u boho raspoloženje, ništa neće. Ovo je možda popularan stil današnjice, ali boho šik postoji koliko i sama moda, kanališući svoju magiju kroz odevne kombinacije onih koji imaju slobodan duh i jedinstven pristup odevanju. Danas je sve dozvoljeno, pa boho možete da nosite u svim prilikama i svoje mesto je našao svuda, od uličnog stila do formalnog odevanja.
Boho šik vam daje toliko slobode za kombinovanje, nosite koliko god slojeva želite, različite odevne komade i što više nakita. Možete da se opredelite i za svedeniju verziju, kao što sam ja uradila ovde, i da ukombinujete prolećne haljine sa dobro skrojenim jaknama i elegantnim čizmama. To u potpunosti zavisi od vas, što je i lepota boho šika.
Choies jacket, here
Vintage dress, similar here
Zara boots, similar here
Gucci bag
Casio watch
DVF sunglasses
Photos by Ana (beautystuffbyana)
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