This Spring it's all about knee length skirts, and you just have to love them! There are so many pretty models you can choose from and I got this one because I think white skirts look so good during the Summer as well. The length makes it perfect for all occasions, even work and formal events. I normally wear it with flats or sandals, but here I paired it with heels which is always a good combo.
Turtleneck tops are still at their peek and I love them, I could wear turtlenecks all the time which you can see in my outfits. Same goes for pointed heels and they will probably be a regular part of my everyday outfits if only they were a bit more comfortable. Black crossbody bags are also not a novelty, you've probably seen them all over the place. They are so easy to mix and match and if you are a fan of small bags you definitely need a little black bag in your collection.
Ovog proleća sve se vrti oko suknji dužine do kolena i jednostavno morate da ih volite! Ima toliko lepih modela koje možete da izaberete, meni se ova svidela jer mislim da bele suknje mogu dobro da izgledaju i tokom leta. Dužina je čini savršenom za sve prilike, čak i za posao i formalne događaje. Obično je nosim sa ravnom obućom ili sandalama, ovde sam je uparila sa cipelama na štiklu, što je uvek dobra kombinacija.
Sve vrste rolki su i dalje jako popularne, ja ih obožavam, mogla bih da nosim rolke non-stop, što može da se primeti u mojim postovima. Isto važi i za špicaste cipele na štiklu, i one bi verovatno bile stalno prisutne u mojim dnevnim odevnim kombinacijama, samo da su malo udobnije. Crne torbice takođe nisu novina, verovatno ste ih već videli milion puta. Jako se lako kombinuju, pa ako ste ljubitelj malih torbi definitivno treba da imate malu crnu torbu u svojoj kolekciji.
Asos top similar here
Zara skirt similar here
Mango jacket similar here
Calvin Klein heels similar here
Mango bag similar here
Vintage and Pandora bracelets
Vintage ring
Ray Ban Wayfarer sunglasses
Photos by Ana (beautystuffbyana)
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