You probably saw these lovely short skirt like pants all over the place. They are called culottes and are the most popular pants at the moment. Culottes are one of those items that constantly go in and out of style. These were actually my mom's and when I wasn't sure whether to buy culottes or not, she found these and give them to me. The only reason I didn't want to buy them myself is because I wasn't really sure if I'm going to wear them often or not. I did think they look so chic and interesting, but I couldn't figure out the culotte wearing weather.
They are too warm for summer, but you'll ankles would freeze if you wear them during colder days.It turns out spring and autumn days are great for culottes and you can create so many stylish culotte outfits.
Now I'm happy I ended up with my mom's old culottes, they are made of such a nice material and all the others I saw in stores were not so great. This is the item that really needs to be made out of nice material, synthetic culottes just don't have the right cut and can look funny.
Verovatno ste ove lepe kratke pantalone koje liče na dugu suknju svuda viđali. Zovu se culottes i trenutno su najpopularniji model pantalona. Culottes su jedan od onih komada koji stalno izlaze iz mode i ponovo se vraćaju. Ove je u stvari nosila moja mama kada je bila mlađa i pošto nisam bila sigurna da li da ih kupim ili ne, ona mi ih je dala. Jedini razlog zbog koga nisam želela sama da ih kupim je to što nisam bila baš sigurna da li ću često da ih nosim. Jesu mi izgledale šik i zanimljivo, ali nisam znala u koje vreme da ih nosim.
Pretople su za leto, ali ćete se smrznuti u njima tokom hladnih dana. Ispostavilo se da su proleće i jesen odlčni za culottes i da možete da ih uklopite uz dosta kombinacija. Sada sam srećna jer sam završila sa parom maminih pantalona, materijal je toliko lep, a sve koje sam videla u prodavnicama nisu napravljene od najboljih materijala. Ove pantalone zaista moraju da budu sašivene od dobrog materijala da bi lepo padale, šintetičke jednostavno nemaju dobar kroj i mogu čudno da izgledaju.
Vintage culottes, similar here
Asos cami, similar here
Forever 21 jacket
Asos Harmonica wedges, similar here
Carpisa bag
Asos sunglasses, similar here
Pandora and Ti Sento rings
Casio watch
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