I'm one of those people who can't decide whether to wear small or oversized bags. When I was younger oversized bags were all the rage and I thought they are the best thing that's ever invented. You can stuff them with anything and there will still be room for more stuff. But, like you probably know, the problem comes when your bag is so heavy your shoulder sores and you are stuck with carrying that enormously heavy bag all over the place.
Next best thing are small shoulder bags and the latest trend is, of course, the crossbody bag. Problem with these comes in the lack of space for all of your things. You can't fit a big wallet or sunglasses case in most of them. Like always in life, there isn't a perfect situation, so I opt to go with smaller bags for spring, just because I think they look nicer with my outfits.
Here are the ones I've been wearing the most lately.
Black bag
Like little black dress, a black bag is something that will never go out of fashion. I'm not really into following the rules when it comes to fashion and style, but having a black bag really comes in handy. It goes well with anything, can be worn with formal wear and casual outfits and will always be your last resort in case non of the other bags match your outfit.
White bag
Much avoided by some, white bag is something that you either love or hate. People usually don't like white bags because they can look tacky or cheap and they get dirty easily. It all depends on the model you pick, some can look very chic paired with spring and summer outfits. And if you find the one that's easy to clean, it will never look dirty.
Champagne pink bag
The only shade of pink I actually like and the prettiest colour to include in your spring wardrobe. It will make even the simplest outfits interesting and can be dressed up or down.
Ja sam od onih ljudi koji ne mogu da se odluče da li više vole male ili velike torbe. Kada sam bila mlađa prevelike torbe su bile jako popularne i tada sam mislila da su one najbolja stvar koja je ikada izmišljena. Možete da ih natrpate svim i svačim, a da i dalje imate mesta za još stvari. Kao što je svima pozanto, problem nastaje kada vam je torba toliko teška da vas rame i leđa bole i još morate svuda da vučete tu pretešku torbu.
Male torbe su po tom pitanju bolje, a najnoviji trend su, naravno, torbe koje idu preko tela. Njihova mana jeste nedostatak mesta za sve potrepštine. U njih ne može da stane veći novčanik ili futrola za naočare. Kao i uvek u životu, ne postoji savršena situacija, pa se ja na proleće više okrećem malim torbma, jer izgledaju lepše sa mojim odevnim kombinacijama.
Ovo su one koje najviše nosim u poslednje vreme.
Crna torba
Kao mala crna haljina, crna torba je nešto što nikada neće izaći iz mode. Nisam baš za poštovanje pravila kada se o modi radi, ali je zaista praktično i isplativo da imate crnu torbu. Dobro se slaže uz sve, može da se nosi uz formalne i opuštene kombinacije i uvek ćete posegnuti za njom kada vam se ni jedna druga torba ne slaže.
Bela torba
Mnogi je izbegavaju, pa je tako bela torba nešto što ili volite ili mrzite. Obično su omražene jer mogu da izgledaju jeftino, a i lako se isprljaju. Sve zavisi od modela koji izaberete, neke izgledaju jako šik uz prolećne i letnje kombinacije. I ako pronađete onu koja se lako čisti, nikada neće izgledati prljavo.
Puder roze torba
Jedina nijansa rose boje koju volim i najlepša boja koju možete da uključite u svoju prolećnu garderobu. Učiniće da i najjednostavnije modne kombinacije izgledaju zanimljivo i takođe može da se uklopi uz elegantniju odeću, kao i uz opuštenije kombinacije.
Black bag: Mango
White bag: Carpisa
Pink bag: H&M
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