What to wear on a rainy day like this? Honestly I just put this outfit together when I thought it won't rain this much. These are my favourite moccasins in the world and they are one of the most comfortable shoes I own. You don't know what comfy shoes are until you start wearing moccasins. These here are Minnetonka Tramper boots, moccasins that were made famous by Kate Moss and her gorgeous shorts and moccasins boots looks. They actually work well in the rain, my feet didn't get wet although my boots were soaked. And the huge plus is I got to wear my see through umbrella today. If you are like me, and find happiness in small things, rainy days don't always have to be bad.
Šta nositi za kišni dan kao što je ovaj? Iskreno ovu kombinaciju sam smislila na brzinu, dok sam mislila da kiša neće biti toliko jaka. Ovo su moje omiljene mokasine svih vremena, i jedne od najudobnijih cipela koje imam. Ne znate šta su udobne cipele dok ne počnete da nosite mokasine. Ovde nosim Minnetonka Tramper čizme, mokasine koje je proslavila Kejt Mos, u svojim prelepim odevnim kombinacijama sa šortsevima i mokasinama. U stvari ispade da su dobre i za kišu, stopala su mi ostala suva iako su mi čizme bile natopljene. I veliki plus je to što sam danas imala priliku da nosim svoj providni kišobran. Ako ste kao ja, i raduju vas sitnice, kišni dani ne moraju da budu toliko loši.
Minnetonka boots
Paige jeans
Asos cami
Bershka sweater
Mango bag
No brand and Tiffany necklaces
Vintage bracelets
Ti Sento, Pandora and vintage rings
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