We've all been there, invited to a wedding with no clue what to wear. So you start looking for a perfect outfit, which can be complicated because you don't want to overshadow the bride, but you still want to look nice. I find that dressing for summer weddings is generally harder, the weather is warm so you need an outfit that won't make you too hot. Also certain colours like dark red may not be appropriate for a day time summer wedding. Dressing in darker colours during a warm summer day can look a bit odd. Of course, this is a personal preference (I'm the first one to wear black all the time) and at the end of the day you can wear whatever you like, but here are some of my tips.
Go for neutrals or florals
You should obviously avoid white and in some countries wearing black to a wedding is considered a bad luck. Neutral colours like dusty pink and beige are your best option. Light gray can also look amazing! I'm not the biggest fan of florals myself, but I do think nice floral dresses are the perfect pick for a summer wedding.
Stay away from anything flashy
Sure, that sequins bare back dress and high heel gladiators look great for clubbing, but wedding guest attire should be tasteful. If you can't leave sequins at home, try pairing them with neutral pieces, for example wear a sequins top with a plain skirt.
Wear comfortable shoes
This goes without sayin, but shoes you wear to a wedding should really be comfortable. Pick a pair with a sturdy heel, the sturdy heels trend comes in handy in this situation. Or opt for a kitten heels, they can look great with a simple outfit.
Keep your hair up
Updos are the best option for summer weddings. If your hair is thick and long it will make you hot if you wear it down and you are also at the risk your hairstyle will lost its shape. Nice updo will stay put whole day long and you can also wear half of your hair down and other half up, it all depends on the hairstyle.
Pozvani ste na svadbu a ne znate šta da obučete, svi smo se bar jednom našli u ovoj situaciji. Sledi potraga za savršenom odevnom kombinacijom, što može da bude komplikovano jer ne želite da zasenite mladu, ali i dalje želite da izgledate lepo. Mislim da je oblačenje za letnje svadbe generalno teže, vreme je toplo pa vam treba autfit u kome vam neće biti prevruće. Takođe određene boje, bordo na primer, mogu da budu neprikladne za letnje venčanje koje nije uveče. Može da izgleda čudno ako nosite tamne boje tokom toplog letnjeg dana. Naravno, ovo je sve lični izbor (ja prva nosim crnu boju stalno) i na kraju krajeva možete da nosite šta god želite, ali evo nekih saveta koji će biti od pomoći.
Izaberite neutralne tonove ili cvetni print
Jasno je da belu treba izbegavati, a u nekim zemljama se smatra da crna boja donosi lošu sreću ako se nosi na svadbi. Neutralne boje kao puder roze i bež su najbolja opcija. Svetlo siva takođe može da izgleda sjajno! Ja lično nisam veliki ljubitelj cvetnog printa, ali mislim da su lepe floralne haljine savršen izbor za letnje venčanje.
Izbegavajte previše napadne komade
Haljina sa šljokicama bez leđa i rimljanke na štiklu sigurno izgledaju sjajno u izlasku, ali odeća za venčanje treba da bude svedena. Ako baš ne možete bez šljokica, probajte da ih uparite sa neutralnim komadima, na primer ukombinujte bluzu sa šljokicama sa jednostavnom suknjom.
Nosite udobne cipele
Ovo ne treba posebno naglašavati, ali cipele koje nosite na svadbi treba da budu zaista udobne. Izaberite par sa debelom štiklom, ovaj trend je zaista koristan u ovakvim situacijama. Ili izaberite niske štikle, mogu zaista sjajno da izgledaju sa jednostavnim autfitima.
Podignite kosu
Punđe i ostale frizure sa podignutom kosom su najbolji izbor za letnje svadbe. Ako vam je kosa duga i gusta biće vam vruće ako je nosite puštenu i takođe rizikujete da će frizura da vam izgubi oblik. Lepa punđa će stajati ceo dan, a možete da nosite i pola kose podignuto, sve zavisi od frizure.
Short dress: Asos
Long dress: vintage
Black bag: Accessorize
White bag: Carpisa
Zara shoes
Casio watch
Forever 21 necklace
H&M bracelet
Moschino sunglasses
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