As you can probably tell from my posts, I am a huge fan of retro clothes. Vintage and vintagy looking pieces take approximately a half of my clothes.
I don't believe in mantras like: ''you can wear vintage as long as it's combined with modern pieces'' or ''retro pieces work only if they are a part of current trends''.
Instead, I wear what I want as long as it looks good to me. However in the past couple years, two or three to be exact, retro pieces are talking over and everyone wants that 70s skirt or 60s block heels. You can even read flashy titles in fashion magazines saying exactly the same thing as my title: retro is the new modern.
When it comes to feeling nostalgic about the past I can't help but remember Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris. If you are planing to watch it, skip this paragraph, it's going to be full of spoilers. Anyways, in the movie main character somehow goes back in time, in Paris during the 1920s (accidentally my favourite place and time), which is in his opinion the greatest era in history (can't argue with that). There he learns that dreamers like him consider some other periods from the past to be the greatest times in human history. In 1920s he finds himself a time traveling partner (played by Marion Cotillard) who thinks Belle Epoque is the time when civilization had it's peak. So naturally they go back in time to Belle Epoque Paris only to find Toulouse-Lautrec and the gang wishing they were born during the Renaissance.
And the same goes for vintage lovers of our generation.
We all think the past was better than present, so we stock up on vintage Levi's jeans and boho print dresses imagining how it was like to live during the 70s or 60s.
I don't say this like it is a bad thing, I love that feeling of wearing a piece that has history. But not to sound hipstery or anything, you can't compare it to wearing a H&M boho print blouse you bought because it's ''on trend'' (I would know, I own such bluses as well). So I guess retro is not the new modern. Trends and styles come and go, and fashion victims will follow, but retro is a state of mind.
Kao što verovatno možete da zaključite iz mojih postova, veliki sam ljubitelj retro odeće. Vintidž i stvari koje izgledaju kao da su vintidž zauzimaju otprilike pola mog ormana.
Ne verujem u mantre u stilu ''vintidž stvari smeju da se nose samo sa modernim komadima'' ili ''retro komadi su nosivi samo ako su u okviru trenutnih trendova''.
Umesto toga, nosim šta želim, sve dok to meni lepo izgleda. Ipak, u prethodnih nekoliko godina, preciznije dve ili tri, retro odeća je postala dominantan trend i svi žele suknju u stilu sedamdesetih ili cipele sa blok petom u duhu šezdesetih. Čak možete da pročitate i bombastične nazive u modnim časopisima koji kažu isto što i naslov ovog posta: retro is the new modern.
Kada se radi o nostalgiji za prošlim vremenima, ne mogu da se ne setim filma Ponoć u Parizu Vudija Alena. Ako želite da gledate film, preskočite ovaj pasus jer će biti pun spojlera. U filmu glavni lik putuje u prošlost, u Pariz dvadesetih godina 20. veka (slučajno i moja omiljena tačka u prošlosti), što je po njegovom mišljenju najbolja era u istoriji (ne mogu da se tome protivim). Tu shvata da sanjari kao što je on smatraju neke druge periode najboljim periodima ljudske civilizacije. Tamo upoznaje i devojku sa kojom putuje dalje u prošlost (igra je Marion Kotjard) i naravno zajedno se vraćaju u vreme koje je njoj omiljeno, Belle Epoque u Parizu, gde otkrivaju da Tuluz-Lotrek i družina žale što nisu rođeni u vreme Renesanse.
Ista je stvar sa ljubiteljima vintidž odeće naše generacije.
Svi mislimo da je prošlost bila bolja od sadašnjosti, pa skupljamo vintidž Levi's farmerke i haljine sa boho printom i zamišljamo kakav je život bio šezdesetih i sedamdesetih.
Ne kažem da je ovo loša stvar, ja obožavam da nosim komade koji imaju istoriju. I ne bih da zvučim kao hipster, ali to ne može da se poredi sa nošenjem H&M boho bluze koju ste kupili jer je u trendu (ja bih znala, jer imam i takve bluze). Tako da mogu da kažem da retro nije zamena za moderno. Trendovi i stilovi se menjaju, žrtve mode će ih pratiti, ali retro osećaj je stanje uma.
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Retro is a state of mind. ❤
ReplyDeleteNaša životna mantra! :D <3
DeleteO daa!😊❤