In the spirit of mixing things up a bit, take work wear staples and combine them with street style pieces. Obviously my work is not office related, so I don't have to wear pants and jackets, but why not incorporate them in my everyday outfits? If I'm wearing pants, most of the time they are jeans or simple black pants and this is one of the rare non black pairs I own. They always remind me of office wear. Casual Friday vibes are optional.

U duhu mešanja stilova, uzmite elemente kancelarijskog stila i ukombinujte ih sa street style komadima. Očigledno moj posao nije vezan za kancelariju, pa ne moram da nosim pantalone i sakoe, ali zašto da ih ne uklopim u svoje svakodnevne odevne kombinacije? Ako nosim pantalone one su obično farmerke ili jednostavne crne pantalone i ovo je redak par koji imam, a da nisu crne. Uvek me podsete na odeću za posao. Opušteni elementi koje sam dodala su opcioni.

Trussardi pants
Terranova T-shirt
Bershka jacket
Vintage Gucci bag
New Look shoes
DVF sunglasses
Zara choker
Casio watch

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