Denim shirt is a piece you do need in your closet. I'm the first one ignoring those fashion rules saying you need to have this or that, but I can't tell you how many times I've turned to simple denim shirts when I had ''nothing else to wear''. I just put it on, add pants or a skirt and I'm set. Oddly, I wear them often, but I only have two denim shirts, one with sleeves, and this one without them. I just can't keep up with this inconsistent weather, one day I'm drowning in layers, and freezing the next one. :D Hope you are dressing better and enjoying these warm days.

Teksas košulja je komad koji definitivno treba da imate u svom ormanu. Ja sam prva koja ignoriše modna pravila koja kažu da morate da imate ovo ili ono, ali ni ne sećam se koliko sam se sve puta okrenula jednostavnim teksas košuljama kad ''nisam imala šta da obučem''. Samo je obučem, dodam pantalone ili suknju i to je to. Čudno, iako ih često nosim, imam samo dve teksas košulje, jednu sa rukavima, i ovu bez njih. Ne mogu nikako da se uskladim sa ovim promenjljivim vremenom, čas se davim u slojevima odeće, čas smrzavam. :D Nadam se da se vi bolje oblačite i uživate u ovim toplim danima.

H&M shirt
Terranova pants
Mango bag
Asos shoes
Le Specs sunglasses
Asos choker
Casio watch

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