As we are all turning to more natural skincare and makeup, naturally we are switching all of our products to their natural versions. Deodorant is one of the things you definitely want to look into, and possibly get the one made with natural ingredients. We all know how most of deodorants you can get in the drugstore contain harmful ingredients, aluminum being one of them (this is more a case with antiperspirants). I'm not gonna talk about how aluminum is dangerous for your body, you probably already know that, but some deodorants also contain other ingredients that are bad for you.
I've been looking for a good natural deodorant for a while and the one I really liked is Maške Deo, handmade by this lovely girl I had a chance to meet. She makes them with organic coconut oil and high quality essential oil. It smells like lemons and it really works well and makes you smell nice all day long. I think a lot of people are afraid of natural deodorants and think they won't be as efficient as regular ones, but that's not the case and you should really give them a chance!
Kako se svi okrećemo prirodnijoj kozmetici i šminki, normalno je da počinjemo da koristimo prirodnije verzije svih proizvoda. Dezodorans je jedna od onih stvari koje zaista želite da istražite, i možda nabavite verziju od prirodnih sastojaka. Svi znamo kako većina dezodoransa koje možete da kupite u drogerijama sadrže štetne sastojke, na primer aluminijum (posebno kada se radi o antiperspirantima). Ovde neću da pišem o tome kako je aluminijum štetan, verovatno to već znate, ali neki dezodoransi takođe sadrže i druge sastojke koji su takođe loši.
Određeno vreme sam tražila dobar prirodni dezodorans i onaj koji mi se jako svideo je Maške Deo, njega ručno pravi jedna divna devojka koju sam imala prilike da upoznam. Pri tome koristi organsko kokosovo ulje i jako kvalitetno esencijalno ulje. Njen dezodorans miriše na limun i zaista ćete sa njim lepo mirisati tokom celog dana! Mislim da se dosta ljudi plaši prirodnih dezodoransa i smatra da oni neće imati isto dejstvo kao ''obični'' dezodoransi, ali to nije slučaj i treba da im date šansu!
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