What else to do during cool winter/autumn evenings than to go through all you knits and mix and match them? This way you'll have an outfit ready for the next day and you'll also know all your winter clothes by heart so you can always get dressed quickly when even in a rush. If you are on the market for pretty knits, I recommend getting those made of real wool or cotton. They will last you so much longer, but will also look nicer after many washes. This is one of my favourite cotton sweaters, I love the pattern and the colour. And the scarf just seems to go so well with it.

Šta drugo raditi tokom hladnih zimsko/jesenjih večeri nego preturati po svemu vunenom iz ormana i to uklapati. Tako ćete imati spreman autfit za sledeći dan i takođe ćete naučiti napamet svu svoju zimsku odeću pa ćete uvek moći da se obučete na brzinu čak i kada žurite. Ako tražite lepe štrikane stvari, moja preporuka je da nabavite one koje su od prave vune ili pamuka. Duže će vam trajati, ali će i izgledati lepše i posle puno pranja. Ovo je jedan od mojih omiljenih pamučnih džempera, mnogo volim njegovu šaru i boju. I šal je jednostavno delovao kao da će dobro ići uz njega.

Mango sweater
Vintage Levi's 517 jeans
Tally Weijl jacket
Asos boots
Accessorize scarf
Mango bag
No brand gloves

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