Baker boy hat is one of those fashion experiments you either love or hate. I'm pretty much always up for experimenting, but I do often dislike many items ''everyone else is wearing''. The thing is, it all depends on approach (like many things in life). If you are wearing something just because everyone else is wearing it, you are in for a fashion disaster. Same rule applies to life, if you are doing something because that's what all other people appear to be doing, well, let's just say your life will be filled with disappointment. Still, when you are wearing something you LOVE no matter how ridiculous the item in question is, it will look good! Or at least it will make you feel good, which is way more important than looking good! And that's the case with everyday life as well, you just have to be true to yourself. Even if the thing you are doing is something no one else understands. Baker boy hats you see on the Internet are either black or gray. You can find them in other colours, of course, but these two are the easiest for mixing and matching. Gray caught my eye because it's neutral, yet it's not too dark.
Baker boy kačketi su jedan od onih modnih eksperimenata koje ili volite ili mrzite. Ja sam uglavnom uvek raspoložena za eksperimentisanje, ali takođe mi se često ne sviđaju mnogi komadi koje ''svi nose''. Stvar je u tome da sve zavisi od pristupa (kao i mnoge stvari u životu). Ako nosite nešto samo zato što ga svi nose, krajni ishod će biti modna katastrofa. Isto pravilo se odnosi i na život, ako radite nešto samo zato što se čini da svi to rade, pa, sigurno vam se sprema razočaranje, da tako najblaže kažem. Ipak, kada nosite nešto što VOLITE bez obzira na to koliko taj komad na prvi pogled delovao smešno, dobro će izgledati! Ili ćete se bar dobro osećati, što je mnogo bitnije nego da dobro izgledate! I tako je sa svakodnevnim životom, morate da budete iskreni prema sebi. Čak i ako niko ne razume to što radite. Opcije za nošenje baker boy kačketa koje možete da vidite na internetu su crna i siva. Ima ih i u drugim bojama, naravno, ali ove dve preovladavaju jer su najlakše za kombinovanje. Meni se siva više svidela jer je neutralna a nije previše tamna.
Topshop sweater
Newlook shirt
Zara jeans
Zara coat
Mona bag
Sam Edelman boots
Asos hat
Casio watch
Ti Sento ring
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