This winter weather is starting to be a real problem for creating interesting outfits. After a period of wearing only sweaters I decided to ''switch it up'' and wear a sweater dress. It turned out this is more of a sweater too. Obviously I can't get away from sweaters. V necks are something I enjoy wearing a lot. This sweater dress reminds me of a turtleneck I had when I was a kid and that's why I love it so much. Material and colour are almost identical to it. Over the knee boots are still going strong and I just adore these. As well as my little metallic bag.

Ove zime vreme počinje da predstavlja pravi problem za kreiranje interesantnih modnih kombinacija. Posle perioda kada sam nosila samo džempere odlučila sam da malo ''promenim'' i obučem džemper haljinu. Ispade da je i ona zapravo džemper. Očigledno ne mogu da im pobegnem. Odeća sa V izrezom je nešto što jako volim da nosim. Ova džemper haljina me podseća na rolku koju sam imala kao mala, pa mi je zato prirasla za srce. Materijal i boja su im skoro identični. Čizme preko kolena su popularnije nego ikada, a ove prosto obožavam. Kao i svoju malenu metalik tašnu.

Zaful sweater
Zara boots
Urban Outfitters bag
Mango scarf
Zara coat


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