Blue jeans/white shirt is not only a part of lyrics we all know, it's actually a combo known for it's elegance and simplicity. You very rarely find an outfit that's so simple and casual, yet so cool it used to be a part of rock chic uniform. This simple combo always reminds me of Calvin Klein adds and more recently of Elin Kling's style (she's one of my favourite bloggers, if not favourite). 80s were a period when jeans and white shirt outfit became extremely popular. I always say that in the time of campish fashion a dose of minimalism has to emerge (the same case as today) and in the sea of glitter and shoulder pads, jeans/shirt combo was a chic and wearable everyday alternative.
During the 90s it got the cult status, when everyone realized you need one pair of quality jeans (that fits like a glow) in your closet instead of many not so good ones. Also, the funny thing happened, all the people who wore jeans during the 80s as teenagers, excepted them as casual off duty clothes as adults in the 90s. And if there are people willing to pay good money for jeans, if you are a designer you better make great ones. So that's when Calvin Klein come to the scene with his fabulous jeans we are still loving today. These days jeans are appropriate for all ocassions. Most of us saw a story about Brooklyn based stylist who got married in her jeans. It's the truth what they say, people in suits look really successful until you realize they work for people in T-shirts and jeans.
Tokom devedesetih ova kombinacija dobija kultni status kada svi počinju da shvataju da vam treba jedan par zaista kvalitetnih farmerki (koje savršeno stoje) umesto više nekvalitetnih. I nešto zanimljivo se događa, ljudi koji su nosili farmerke kao tinejdžeri tokom osamdesetih, devedesetih ih prihvataju kao opuštenu odeću koju nose van posla. Počinje da važi isto što i danas, ako su ljudi spremni da plate za kvalitetne farmerke, dizajneri moraju da prave one koje su zaista dobre. Tada na scenu stupa Kelvin Klajn sa svojim sjajnim modelima koje i sada volimo. U današnje vreme farmerke su prikladne za sve prilike. Većina nas je videla priču o stilistkinji iz Bruklina koja se udala u svom omiljenom paru. Istina je ono što kažu, ljudi u odelima izgledaju uspešno dok ne shvatite da rade za ljude u majicama i farmerkama.
Moj omiljeni autfit sa farmerkama i belom košuljom možete da vidite ovde.
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Nice shirt :)