Me doing DIY masks is no surprise, I love them all. Still, there is one mask that has a special place in my heart, the egg whites masks (I wrote about it here). But recently I've heard about another version of this mask that blew me off. You've maybe seen it already, it's pretty popular these days. I can tell you, I've thoroughly tested it and I'm impressed. It's way better than the plain egg whites mask. So what's the secret? It's sugar!! It comes as no surprise, sugar has some serious antibacterial proprieties and also contains glycolic acid, how cool is that! I used to do a sugar scrub when I was younger (I now stopped because it can create micro tears in the skin) and my skin never looked better. Now I realize why, the secret is in glycolic acid people! Proteins in the egg whites also help the skin enormously, and there's no better protein mask than this one.
You'll need
One egg white
Tablespoon of sugar
Whisk the ingredients until you get thick, white foam similar to the one in photos (all of you bakers know what I'm talking about). I do recommend using an electrical mixer. Apply the mask on your face and neck, leave for about twenty minutes, than wash it off. Afterwards you can apply a serum and/or a face cream. You'll skin will be tighter and look so radiant. Give it a try!
Kad ja pravim domaće maske to nije iznenađenje, sve ih volim. Jedna ipak ima posebno mesto u mom srcu, maska od belanaca (o kojoj sam pisala ovde). Ali nedavno sam čula o još jednoj verziji iste koja me je oduševila. Možda ste je videli, trenutno je jako popularna. Mogu da vam kažem da sam je temeljno isprobala i da je odlična. Mnogo je bolja od obične maske od belanceta. Pa koja je tajna? Šećer! Što nije iznenađenje, šećer ima jaka antibakterijska svojstva, a sadrži i glikolnu kiselinu. Kada sam bila mlađa pravila sam piling od šećera (to više ne radim jer može da izazove oštećenja na koži) i koža mi nikada nije izgledala bolje. Sada mi je jasno i zbog čega, tajna je u glikolnoj kiselini! Proteini u belancetu takođe pomažu koži, a ne postoji bolja proteinska maska od ove.
Šta vam je potrebno
Jedno belance
Supena kašika šećera
Mutite sastojke zajedno dok ne dobijete gustu ''penu'' kao što je ova na slikama (oni koji prave kolače znaće o čemu se radi). Preporučujem da to radite mikserom. Nanesite masku na lice i vrat, ostavite dvadesetak minuta pa isperite. Posle maske možete da nanesete setum i/ili kremu. Koža će vam biti zategnutija i prelepa. Obavezno probajte!
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