Black leather jacket with black pants? Count me in. Especially if items in question are my favourite leather jacket and my favourite pair of simple black pants (high waisted, of course). Don't ever take the power of black outfits for granted, even nowadays when they went mainstream. This is not exactly your all black outfit, but you get the point. I don't normally wear my hair straight, but I thought it would look nice with this combo, straight hair don't care. My vintagy shoes (once my mum's) are spicing things up and giving this outfit a special touch. I don't really suffer from Monday blues, but if I did this outfit would cheer me up for sure!

Crna kožna jakna sa crnim pantalonama? Kod mene uvek prolazi. Pogotovo kada su u pitanju moja omiljena jakna i omiljeni par jednostavnih crnih pantalona (visokog struka, razume se). Nikada nemojte da potcenite moć crnih autfita, čak i danas kada su postali mejnstrim. Ovo vam nije baš taj skroz crni autfit, ali shvatate na šta mislim. Obično ne nosim ravnu kosu, ali delovalo mi je kao da će ići lepo sa ovom kombinacijom, sa dugom kosom brige nema. Moje vintagy cipele (nekada ih je nosila moja mama) su komad koji ovu kombinaciju čini posebnom. Ne patim baš od letargije ponedeljka, ali da me to muči ovaj autfit bi me sigurno oraspoložio!

H&M pants
No brand white shirt
Dordjo jacket
Carpisa bag
Vintage shoes
Accessorize belt
Asos watch
Fossil ring
Gucci glasses

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