We all want our looks with vintage outfits to be chic. But, sometimes they can look a bit old and dusty if you don't style them right. I'm all for wearing vintage pieces from head to toe. In fact, I used to do it all the time when I was about twenty. There was nothing I enjoyed more than pin-up inspired looks. As time passed I got more into vintage looks that don't look like costumes. Don't get me wrong, I still love those pin-up looks and I love to see them on other people, but now I feel a bit odd wearing them myself. Maybe it also has to do something with the fact everyone started wearing similar outfits and when I'm one of those people dresses the same I feel like we are all going to some big costume party. So what does it take to create a great outfit with vintage pieces? Just add non vintage, or even better, trendy pieces to it. That will make your outfit wearable and chic. It's super easy and you'll get a great look. Here I paired one of my favourite vintage skirts with a light puffer jacket which is super popular right now. It's as easy as that!
Svi želimo da naši vintage autfiti budu šik. Ali, ponekad mogu da izgledaju starmalo. Ja generalno jesam za nošenje vintage komada od glave do pete. U stvari, to sam i nosila stalno kada sam imala oko dvadeset godina. Ni u čemu nisam uživala više nego u pin-up izgledu. Vremenom sam prerasla tu fazu i došla u period kada više volim vintage kombinacije koje ne izgledaju kao kostmi. Nemojte pogrešno da me shvatite, i dalje volim pin-up izgled na drugim ljudima, ali se sada osećam čudno kada ga sama nosim. Možda je to zbog činjenice da su svi počeli da nose slične autfite i kada sam jedna od tih ljudi osećam se kao da svi zajedno idemo na neki veliki maskenbal. Pa šta je potrebno za taj sjajan outfit sa vintage komadima? Samo mu dodajte odeću koja nije vintage, ili još bolje koja je u trendu. Tako će biti nosiviji i više šik. Mnogo je lako a dobićete divnu kombinaciju. Ovde sam uparila jednu od svojih omiljenih vintage suknji sa laganom jaknom koja je trenutno jako popularna. Toliko je lako!
Calliope jacket
Vintage skirt
H&M turtleneck
Zara boots
Vintage Gucci bag
Fossil ring
I found similar items at Gamiss, check them out below
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DeleteGreat outfit look! You look stunning!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
N, xoxo. | The Glitter Chic | https://nljuljduraj.blogspot.hr/
DeleteFabulous look!
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