Rumors you heard are true, Urban Decay is coming to Sephora Serbia. Like other cult brands it has a loyal following among beauty lovers all around the world. Although in the past we had a chance to buy some Urban Decay palettes from time to time (and usually out of the blue) before, this time it's official. From next Saturday you can safely walk in a Sephora store in Belgrade, ask for a Urban Decay stand and not get confused ''what are you talking about'' looks from the staff. Of course, now a bigger issue arises. What to get? When it comes to brands with soooo many excellent and cult products one may be owervelmed with too many choices. Naturally, you can't have too much of a good thing, but it's sometimes better to narrow your options. So today I'm sharing with you my personal Urban Decay favourites, the lists includes only those products I've really enjoyed for years and that don't have equally good dupes among other brands.
Eyeshadow Primer Potion
The first ever UD product I heard about, and that was even before my online shopping days so I always had to wait and buy it when I traveled somewhere. That was back when I just discovered eye primers and I couldn't believe I used to do my makeup without one! It gives you a matte smooth surface to work with and locks the shadow in so it won't move an inch. The thing that separates this one form other primers I love is the fact that it makes your lids completely dry and mattifyed, even if they are very oily.
You wondered what's the secret behind flawless powdery smooth complexion hours after applying foundation? Well, most of the time it's a great makeup setting spray. When I was about nineteen and just started experimenting with setting sprays I used to wear them every day! I don't do that anymore, because most of them contain alcohol, but nothing can give you a dewy face that's nor cakey like foundation fixed with a makeup spray. Although I must say I have two favourite setting sprays, Model in a bottle and this one. I mentioned before I will only include products that don't have their equals in other brands, but setting spray is the exception because those two are both soo good! Only thing that makes All nighter better is the packaging, Model in a bottle has a pump that breaks easily and lets your product evaporate quickly (I did say they are packed with alcohol), but it does have a formulation that's a bit better so it's a tie.
Like they love to say at Urban Decay, there's no such thing as too much black eyeliner. My thoughts exactly. I was always an eyeliner in the waterline kind a gal, but I didn't always have the right pencil liner that will actually stay on the waterline all day (or even for two hours). Until I started seriously researching pencil eyeliners and trying a bunch that claimed to be the world's best eyeliner. I tried countless brands and versions and can safely say this is the best pencil eyeliner I've ever used. You can clearly see that from the little piece of pencil I have left. At one moment I had to move on and start looking for pencil eyeliners that are safe for contact lens wearers, because this one isn't and it breaks my heart to say that. It's just too pigmented and contains hydrating oils, which means it will make your contacts oily and impossible to clean. But if you are not wearing contacts it's as good as it gets when it comes to pencil liners.
If you never heard of products I've mentioned here you probably know about makeup phenomenon called the Naked palette. It now has seven eyeshadow palette versions (1, 2, 3, Naked Basics, Naked2 basics, Naked ultimate basics and Naked smokey) and numerous shady manufacturers making its copies (which makes us all concerned for eye health of those who use them). Anyways, Naked1 will forever have a special place in my makeup collection and I to this day think this is the best Naked palette you can get. It has your warm shades, cooler shades, matte colours, shinny colours, day and night appropriate shades. I remember getting it because one youtuber I've watched frequently said you can create every look you imagine with only these shades. And she was right, considering that was way back when no one wore colorful eye looks. I like it so much I have two of them. Just kidding, the second one you can see in the photos is actually my sister's, but you can imagine how much I raved about Naked1 when she too decided to get it.
Here I'm wearing shades Half baked, Smog and Virgin from Naked1 palette and 24/7 Glide On pencil in Zero.
Glasine koje kruže su istinite, Urban Decay dolazi u srpske Sefore. Kako i ostali kultni brendovi ima mnogobrojne obožavaoce u ljubiteljima lepote širom sveta. Iako smo u prošlosti imali prilike da kupimo neke Urban Decay palete s vremena na vreme (obično su stizale iz vedra neba) sada je to zvanično. Od sledeće subote možete da uđete u Seforu tražeći Urban Decay stalak a da vas zaposleni ne gledaju kao da ste poludeli. Naravno, sad se javljaju veći problemi. Koji proizvodi izabrati? Kada je reč o brendovima sa toliko odličnih i popularnih proizvoda lako može da vas zbuni previše opcija. U principu dobrog nikada nije previše, ali nekada je bolje suziti sebi izbor. Tako da danas sa vama delim svoje lične Urban Decay favorite, ova lista uključuje samo one proizvode u kojima uživam godinama i koji nemaju zamenu istog kvaliteta kod drugih proizvođača.
Follow my blog with BloglovinAll Nighter Makeup-setting spray
You wondered what's the secret behind flawless powdery smooth complexion hours after applying foundation? Well, most of the time it's a great makeup setting spray. When I was about nineteen and just started experimenting with setting sprays I used to wear them every day! I don't do that anymore, because most of them contain alcohol, but nothing can give you a dewy face that's nor cakey like foundation fixed with a makeup spray. Although I must say I have two favourite setting sprays, Model in a bottle and this one. I mentioned before I will only include products that don't have their equals in other brands, but setting spray is the exception because those two are both soo good! Only thing that makes All nighter better is the packaging, Model in a bottle has a pump that breaks easily and lets your product evaporate quickly (I did say they are packed with alcohol), but it does have a formulation that's a bit better so it's a tie.
24/7 Glide-On eye pencil in Zero
Like they love to say at Urban Decay, there's no such thing as too much black eyeliner. My thoughts exactly. I was always an eyeliner in the waterline kind a gal, but I didn't always have the right pencil liner that will actually stay on the waterline all day (or even for two hours). Until I started seriously researching pencil eyeliners and trying a bunch that claimed to be the world's best eyeliner. I tried countless brands and versions and can safely say this is the best pencil eyeliner I've ever used. You can clearly see that from the little piece of pencil I have left. At one moment I had to move on and start looking for pencil eyeliners that are safe for contact lens wearers, because this one isn't and it breaks my heart to say that. It's just too pigmented and contains hydrating oils, which means it will make your contacts oily and impossible to clean. But if you are not wearing contacts it's as good as it gets when it comes to pencil liners.
Naked palette
If you never heard of products I've mentioned here you probably know about makeup phenomenon called the Naked palette. It now has seven eyeshadow palette versions (1, 2, 3, Naked Basics, Naked2 basics, Naked ultimate basics and Naked smokey) and numerous shady manufacturers making its copies (which makes us all concerned for eye health of those who use them). Anyways, Naked1 will forever have a special place in my makeup collection and I to this day think this is the best Naked palette you can get. It has your warm shades, cooler shades, matte colours, shinny colours, day and night appropriate shades. I remember getting it because one youtuber I've watched frequently said you can create every look you imagine with only these shades. And she was right, considering that was way back when no one wore colorful eye looks. I like it so much I have two of them. Just kidding, the second one you can see in the photos is actually my sister's, but you can imagine how much I raved about Naked1 when she too decided to get it.
Here I'm wearing shades Half baked, Smog and Virgin from Naked1 palette and 24/7 Glide On pencil in Zero.
Glasine koje kruže su istinite, Urban Decay dolazi u srpske Sefore. Kako i ostali kultni brendovi ima mnogobrojne obožavaoce u ljubiteljima lepote širom sveta. Iako smo u prošlosti imali prilike da kupimo neke Urban Decay palete s vremena na vreme (obično su stizale iz vedra neba) sada je to zvanično. Od sledeće subote možete da uđete u Seforu tražeći Urban Decay stalak a da vas zaposleni ne gledaju kao da ste poludeli. Naravno, sad se javljaju veći problemi. Koji proizvodi izabrati? Kada je reč o brendovima sa toliko odličnih i popularnih proizvoda lako može da vas zbuni previše opcija. U principu dobrog nikada nije previše, ali nekada je bolje suziti sebi izbor. Tako da danas sa vama delim svoje lične Urban Decay favorite, ova lista uključuje samo one proizvode u kojima uživam godinama i koji nemaju zamenu istog kvaliteta kod drugih proizvođača.
Eyeshadow Primer Potion
Prvi UD proizvod za koji sam čula, i to je bilo još u vreme kada nisam kupovala preko interneta pa sam morala da čekam prilike i kupujem ga kad negde otputujem. Tada sam tek otkrila podloge za senku za oči i nisam mogla da verujem da sam se nekada šminkala bez njih! Daje vam glatku mat površinu za rad i osigura senku pa se ona neće pomeriti ni milimetar. Ono što izdvaja ovu podlogu od nekih drugih koje volim je to što vam potpuno matira kapke, čak i ako su oni skloni mašćenju.
All Nighter Makeup-setting spray
Da li ste se pitali koja je to tajna iza savršenog baršunastog tena satima posle nanošenja pudera? U većini slučajeva trik je u odličnom spreju za fiksiranje šminke. Kada sam imala oko devetnaest godina i tek počela da isprobavam fiksatore nosila sam ih svakog dana! Sada to više ne radim, uglavnom jer sadrže alkohol, ali ništa vam neće dati sjajan ten koji nije cakey kao puder fiksiran sprejom. Iako moram da priznam da imam dva omiljena, Model in a bottle i ovaj. Spomenula sam ranije kako ću ovde da uključim samo proizvode koji nemaju jednako dobre parnjake kod drugih brendova, izuzetak pravim samo kod fiksatora jer su ova dva jednako dobra! Jedina stvar zbog koje bih možda pre izabrala All nighter je bolje pakovanje. Model in a bottle ima pumpicu koja se lako slomi i onda vam proizvod brzo ispari (rekla sam da su prepuni alkohola), ali zato ima za nijansu bolju formulu pa je ipak nerešeno.
24/7 Glide-On eye pencil in Zero
Kao što to vole da kažu u Urban Decay-u, ne postoji termin previše crnog ajlajnera. I ja to mislim. Uvek sam bila za ajlajer na vodenoj liniji, ali nisam uvek imala odgovarajuću olovku za oči koja bi tu ostala ceo dan (ili bar dva sata). Dok nisam počela ozbiljno da istražujem olovke za oči i da isprobavam gomilu onih za koje se tvrdilo da su najbolje na svetu. Probala sam mnoge brendove i verzije i sa sigurnošću mogu da kažem da je ovo najbolja olovka za oči koju sam ja koristila. To možete jasno da vidite iz ovog delića koji mi je ostao. U jednom momentu sam morala da nastavim dalje i da počnem da koristim olovke za oči koje su bezbedne za sočiva, zato što ova nije i srce mi se slama kad to kažem. Jednostavno je previše pigmentovana i sadrži ulja namenjena hidrataciji, u prevodu sočiva vam postaju masna i ne možete da očistite crnu boju sa njih. Ali ako ne nosite sočiva ovo je najbolja olovka za oči koju možete da probate.
Naked paleta
I da nikada niste čuli za gorepomenute proizvode verovatno znate za fenomen šminke zvani Naked paleta. Ona trenutno dolazi u sedam varijanti (1, 2, 3, Naked Basics, Naked2 basics, Naked ultimate basics i Naked smokey), a kopiraju je i razni sumnjivi proizvođači (zbog čega smo svi zabrinuti za zdravlje onih koji te kopije koriste). Da ne dužim, Naked1 će uvek imati posebno mesto u mojoj kolekciji i do ovog dana živim u uverenju da je to najbolja Naked paleta koju možete da kupite. Zato što ima i tople i hladne nijanse, i mat i sjajne i one za svaki dan ali i za noć. Sećam se da sam je kupila jer je jedna jutjuberka koju sam redovno gledala tvrdila da možete da stvorite svaku šminku koju zamislite uz pomoć nijansi iz Naked1 palete. I bila je u pravu, s obzirom na to da je ovo bilo u vreme kada niko nije nosio jarke boje na očima. Toliko je volim da ih imam dve. Šalim se, druga koju vidite na fotografijama pripada mojoj sestri i možete da zamislite koliko sam je davila ovom paletom kada je i ona odlučila da je kupi.
Ovde nosim nijanse Half baked, Smog i Virgin iz Naked1 palete i 24/7 Glide On pencil boju Zero.
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