We've all been there, typing in ''great SLS free shampo'' on Google, hoping not to get one of those lists powered by Amazon. At least those of us who started to read ingredients religiously. I have to admit I first found out about avoidable ingredients (like silicones and SLS) in my senior year of high school and although it did cause some concern I didn't completely switch to products without them. Reason? All the products that didn't contain them were either watery and smelling weird, either so hard to find I didn't even think about going through the trouble of getting them. I did try doing a hair detox from time to time, where I would use silicone free shampoo and finish off with silicone free hair mask or good old coconut oil. Recently I've noticed quite the build up of silicones on my hair and I also noticed SLS shampoos made my scalp more oily and hair closest to the scalp looking dull. So I knew it was a time for a change.
The first thing I did is to get one of those natural soap bar shampoos. They are absolutely free of any harmful ingredients and are most of the time made only with natural oils. It didn't really work for me on the first try, but it rarely does. It takes time to remove the build up of all the other non natural ingredients and your hair needs to get used to a new kind of shampoo. I still think soap bar shampoos are worth exploring and will give them another chance when I have more time to make them work. Second thing I did is to find products that are natural, but are also easy to use and smell great. I'm one of those people who love their hair products to smell super nice. I know, I know, it means that they are also full of artificial fragrances, but you have to give yourself one beauty guilty pleasure. I just need my hair to smell nice. :D So after some research I found this brand called Dessert Essence and I got their coconut shampoo and conditioner (I bought them on Iherb) and I really love them. They smell amazing and are free of silicones, parabens, SLS, artificial colours and petroleum-based ingredients. I will definitely use them for a while before giving a soap bar shampoo another go.
Do you have some recommendations for SLS and silicone fee hair products?
Svi smo nekad kucali ''odličan šampon bez SLS-a'' na Guglu u nadi da ćemo pronaći neku listu koja nije vezana za kupovinu preko Amazona. Bar oni od nas koji su počeli religiozno da čitaju sastojke. Moram da priznam da sam prvi put saznala za sastojke koje treba izbegavati (kao što su silikoni i SLS) kada sam bila četvrta godina srednje škole i iako me jesu malo zabrinuli, nisam se u potpunosti prebcila na proizvode koji ih ne sadrže. Razlog? Svi proizvodi bez njih su ili bili vodenasti i čudnog mirisa, ili ih je bilo toliko teško pronaći da nisam ni pomišljala da se upuštam u njihovo traženje. Jesam probala da s vremena na vreme uradim detoks kose, kada bih koristila šampon bez slikona i posle njega masku bez silikona ili obično kokosovo ulje. Skoro sam primetila da imam dosta nagomilanih ostataka silikona na kosi, a primetila sam da mi se od SLS-a kosa brže masti i da je kosa blizu kože glave počela da izgleda beživotno. Tada sam shvatila da je vreme da nešto promenim.
Prva stvar koju sam uradila jeste nabavka šampona u čvrstom obliku, tj. sapuna za kosu. Oni su uglavnom bez ikakvih štetnih sastojaka i u najvećem broju slučajeva napravljeni su saponifikacijom prirodnih ulja. Nisu mi baš odgovarali prvog puta, ali obično je tako. Potrebno je vreme da bi se uklonili nagomilani sastojci sa dlake i da bi se kosa navikla na novi tip šampona. I dalje mislim da su šamponi u obliku sapuna vredni pažnje i daću im novu priliku kada budem imala više vremena za eksperimentisanje. Drugo što sam uradila jesre da pronađem proizvode koji su koliko-toliko prirodni, ali se lako koriste i sjajno mirišu. Znam, znam, to znači i da su puni veštačkih parfema, ali moramo sebi da damo i malo oduška kada je o sastojcima reč. Meni je potrebno da mi kosa lepo miriše. :D Posle malo istraživanja pronašla sam brend Dessert Essence i nabavila njihov kokos šampon i regenerator (kupila sam ih na sajtu Iherb) i jako mi se sviđaju. Divno mirišu i ne sadrže silikone, parabene, SLS; veštačke boje i sastojke na bazi mineralnog ulja. Definitivno ću ih koristiti neko vreme, dok opet ne odlučim da probam čvrsti sapun.
Da li vi imate neke preporuke za proizvode za kosu bez SLS-a i silikona?
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