Following in the footsteps of other brands with its latest STUDIO collection H&M is taking a ''see now buy now'' approach. It's the fairly new way of presenting collections, where the whole line is instantly available in stores. So instead of seeing a fall/winter STUDIO collection we have a chance to see spring/summer and to also shop it the very next day. Runway premier of this line was yesterday, with a show in Paris fashion week ,and starting today you can shop it in selected H&M stores around the globe.

Unlike the last STUDIO collection which was retro and boho with some etno touches and 70s vibes, this one is pretty simple and clean. It was inspired by ballerinas and if you ask me by the whole athleisure and sports luxe way of dressing. Which is something I currently enjoy. The whole idea of dressing in clothes that resembles your good old gym clothes (but is not your plain old gym clothes) is appealing to me. Nothing like wearing comfortable clothes that also makes you feel good. It's also quite feminine despite the sporty vibes so all in all one interesting mixture. 

Idući koracima drugih brendova, H&M sa svojom najnovijom STUDIO kolekcijom prihvata ''vidi sad kupi sada'' pristup. To je donekle nov način prezentovanja kolekcija gde je cela linija odeće odmah dostupna u radnjama. Tako da umesto da vidimo jesen/zima STUDIO kolekciju imali smo šansu da bacimo pogled na onu za proleće/leto dan pre nego što ona bude puštena u prodaju. Premijera kolekcije bila je juče na reviji na pariskoj nedelji mode i od danas možete da je pronađete u odabranim H&M radnjama širom sveta. Kod nas je to prodavnica u Knez Mihailovoj.

Suprotno od prošle STUDIO kolekcije koja je bila retro i boho sa etno dodirima i vibracijama sedamdesetih, ova je prilično jednostavna i pročišćena. Inspirisana je balerinama, a ako mene pitate i athleisure iliti sports luxe načinom odevanja. Što jeste nešto u čemu ja trenutno uživam. Cela ideja oblačenja u odeću koja podseća na dobru staru odeću za vežbanje (ali to nije) mi je jako privlačna. Ništa kao nošenje udobne odeće u kojoj se još i sjajno osećate. Kolekcija je prilično ženstvena i pored sportskih elemenata što jeste zanimljiva mešavina.

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