Could any of us ever predict we would get addicted to mom jeans? Back when skinny jeans and jeggings were so popular no one saw the comeback of baggy 80s and 90s jeans. I actually wanted ones like these ages ago so I bought a pair of Levi's 501, but for a while I couldn't get used to wearing them. It's so weird to switch back to looser jeans after wearing skinny ones for a long time. I still love my Levi's jeans, but they are in a lighter wash, so I wanted these that are a bit darker. They are so pretty and comfy, I love them. Maybe I could've ordered one size down (these are M), but they are still nice and fit me well.
How do you wear mom jeans?

Da li je neko mogao da predvidi da ćemo da se navučemo na mom farmerke? Ranije kada su uske farmerke bile jako popularne niko nije video mogućnost za povratak ''vrećastih'' farmerki iz osamdesetih i devedesetih. Ja sam želela par sličan ovome duže vreme pa sam kupila Levi's 501 farmerke pre nekoliko godina, ali mi je bilo malo teže da se naviknem da ih nosim. Čudno je da se preorjentišete na šire farmerke ako ste nosili uske duže vreme. I dalje volim svoje Levi's farmerke, ali su malo svetlije od ovih, pa sam želela za nijansu tamnije. Jako su lepe i udobne, obožavam ih. Možda sam mogla da naručim za broj manje (ove su M), ali su i dalje lepe i sviđa mi se kako stoje. 
Kako vi kombinujete mom farmerke?

Loveofqueen jeans, get them here
Vintage blouse
Asos sandals
Mango bag
H&M necklaces
Asos choker
Casio watch
Le Specs sunglasses

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