Me and overalls go way back. I was an avid fan during my childhood and my favourite pair were red overall trousers. Somehow I thought I need to wear them with my green sweater so my mum had to decorate it with red and yellow embroidery, otherwise the sweater and pants ''wouldn't match''. Because, you know, you have to match your sweater's embroidery to the colour of your overalls. I'm lucky my mum had the patience for all my fashion experiments. This beautiful skirt is a part of H&M's S/S STUDIO collection and actually wasn't the first item in the collection that caught my eye. I liked the pajama set the most, which was in my mind a shirt and trousers combo. At the end I picked this skirt and it turned out to be an ever better piece. It's so pretty and flowy and I like the design a lot. These days overall skirt and trousers sound childish to me, aka like something I would wear as a kid 'cause I did, but this skirt turned out to be so elegant. And I love these V shaped stripes in the front, they really are a nice touch. You can read my H&M STUDIO post here.

Ja i tregeri smo stari spoj. Bila sam veliki ljubitelj istih kao dete, a omiljene su mi bile crvene pantalone na tregere. Nekako sam zaključila da moram da ih nosim sa svojim zelenim džemperom pa je moja mama morala da ga ukrasi žutim i crvenim vezom, inače se pantalone i džemper nisu slagali. Jer, razume se, morate da uklopite vez na džemperu sa bojom pantalona na tregere. Imam sreće što je moja mama imala strpljenja za sve moje ''modne eksperimente''. Ova prelapa suknja je deo H&M S/S STUDIO kolekcije i zapravo nije bila prvi komad koji mi je zapao za oko. Svidela mi se pidžama, koja je u mojoj glavi bila komplet košulje i pantalona. Na kraju sam izabrala ovu suknju i ispalo je da je ona još lepši komad. Tako je lepa i lepršava, dosta mi se sviđa njen dizajn. Ovih dana tregeri mi zvuče detinjasto, kao nešto što bih nosila kao dete jer i jesam, ali ova suknja je zaista elegantna. I mnogo mi se sviđa to što su tregeri napred u obliku slova V, fin je detalj. Možete da pročitate moj H&M STUDIO post ovde.

H&M skirt
No brand blouse
Zara boots
Mango bag
Le Specs sunglasses

Photos by Ana (beautystuffbyana)

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