Everyday blusher, there's no trickier makeup product to pick. Except maybe foundation. You need a product with the fair amount of colour, but you don't want your cheeks overly rosy. I had my share of blush failures, including over the top pink and blushes that are not really suitable for my skin tone. Here are some of my picks for perfect everyday cheeks.

Svakodnevno rumenilo, nema problematičnijeg proizvoda za biranje. Osim možda tečnog pudera. Treba vam onaj koji je dovoljno pigmentovan, ali ne želite obraze koji su preintenzivno narumenisani. Kao i svi, imala sam svoj udeo grešaka sa rumenilom, uključujući prejaka pink rumenila, kao i ona koja mi uopšte ne idu uz boju tena. Ovo su neka od mojih omiljenih rumenila za svaki dan.

Maybelline Facestudio blush 60 Cosmopolitan

Applied with a light hand it will give you matte pinkish cheeks. If you are more into glowy blushes, this one is not for you.

Kada se nanese lagani sloj daće vam mat rozikaste obraze. Ako više volite sjajna rumenila, ovo nije za vas.

NYX Cream Blush Boho Chic

NYX creamy blushes are divine. Apply them with your fingers for flawless shinny finish.

NYX kremasta rumenila su predivna. Nanesite ih prstima za besprekoran sjajan finiš.

MAC Mineralize blush Warm soul

The warmest of bronzy blushes, great for those who don't like pink cheeks.

Najtoplije bronzano rumenilo, sjajno za sve koji ne vole pink obraze.

Bourjois baked blush 37 Rose Pompon

I'm not the hugest fan of baked blushes, but this one is in such a pretty shade so I had to include it here.

Nisam baš ljubitelj pečenih rumenila, ali ovo je u toliko divnoj nijansi da sam morala da ga uključim.

Benefit Coralista

If you are going for coral, there's no shade more appropriate than Benefit Coralista. This blush has earned a cult status among coral blushers.

Ako želite koralnu nijansu, nema prikladnijeg rumenila od ovog. Zaradilo je kultni status među koralnim rumenilima.

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