Following into footsteps of last year's (and the year before that) Easter art inspiration, this year I also did eggs inspired by art. This time I tried to use a more traditional technique and instead of painting them with a brush I used rice dyeing. If you are not familiar with this dyeing technique you can read more about it here. You'll find my older Easter art inspiration posts here and here.

U skladu sa prošlogodišnjom (i pretprošlogodišnjom) tradicijom uskršnje inspiracije, ove godine sam takođe odlučila da uradim post sa jajima inspirisanim slikarima. Ovog puta sam koristila malo jednostavniju tehniku i umesto da šare iscrtavam četkicom koristila sam pirinač i boju. Ako niste ranije čuli za ovaj način farbanja, možete da pročitate postupak kod Ane sa bloga Prstohvat soli. Moje postove iz prethodnih godina naći ćete ovde i ovde.

Now onto this year's theme. I thought I should do Jackson Pollock inspired eggs. Do you notice a pattern here? All of them are inspired by abstract art. Pollock is maybe my favourite painter and I probably did a bad job of trying to imitate his paintings with the rice technique, perhaps I should have painted them with a brush like I normally do. Anyways, I still like the results after all.

Sad malo više o temi. Želela sam da uradim jaja inspirisana Džeksonom Polokom. Da li vidite šablon? Svakog puta izaberem apstraktne slikare. Polok mi je možda i omiljeni slikar i verovatno sam loše izimitirala njegove slike tehnikom pirinča, sada mislim da je trebalo da ih obojim četkicom, kako to inače  radim. Mada mi se rezultati ipak dopadaju.

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