Right now I'm into these retro looks, including denim skirts and backless sandals. You know the drill, you've probably seen the look everywhere. And can we take a moment to appreciate how long has my hair gotten? My hairdresser was on the verge of cutting it and I promised her she can do it next time she does my colour. But I'm mainly in the ''long hair don't care'' mood.
Trenutno sam u fazi ovih retro kombinacija, koje uključuju teksas suknju i papuče. Znate kako ide, verovatno ste ih viđali na sve strane. I da izdvojimo momenat da primetimo koliko mi je porasla kosa?
Frizerka mi je bila na ivici da me ošiša i obećala sam joj da može to da uradi sledećeg puta kada se budem farbala. Ali sam uglavnom u ''long hair don't care'' raspoloženju.
I'm an avid collector of vintage clothes, bags and 80s shirts in particularly. If you plan on collecting them be prepared to wear a shirt that looks like something Bono wore in the video for Where the streets have no name. Like I'm doing here, for example. :D Just check the video to see what I'm talking about.
Ja sam zaista strastveni ''sakupljač'' vintage odeće, tašni i košulja u stilu osamdesetih posebno. Ako planirate da ih sakupljate, budite sprevni da završite sa košuljom koja izgleda kao nešto što je Bono nosio u Where the streets have no name videu. Kao ja ovde, na primer. :D Pogledajte video pa ćete znati o čemu pričam.
Vintage blouse
H&M skirt
Bershka cardigan
River Island sandals
Sensi Studio bag
Moschino sunglasses
Photos by Ana (beautystuffbyana)
P. S. Now you can shop my clothing line here
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