Well, isn't it that time of the year again, when everybody is talking about summer. Fitness coaches and magazines are offering advices for the best ''beach body'' (if there's such thing), cosmetic companies are promoting body toning products as well as their newest sun care innovations (which I'm super excited about, and will soon do a post on some new products) and your trusty fashion bloggers are, of course recommending how to best style that beach body of yours.
Although there are so many summer styles right now, and that fact makes me so excited, here I'll try to narrow my favourite swimsuits for the season. It was hard to pick only a few, like it usually goes when you are packing for the holiday, but I managed to choose my favourites. It's never to early to start planing your beach outfits, things always go more smoothly when you don't plan everything in the last minute!
Pa nije li opet doba godine kada svi pričaju o letu. Fitnes treneri i časopisi nude savete za najbolje telo za plažu (ako to uopšte postoji), kozmeričke kompanije promovišu svoje proizvode za učvršćivanje kao i inovacije za zaštitu od sunčevog zračenja (oko toga sam jako uzbuđena i uradiću uskoro jedan zanimljiv post na temu), a dosledni modni blogeri, naravno, poručuju kako da najlepše stilizjete to postignuto telo za plažu.
Iako postoji toliko stilova trenutno, što me jako raduje, probaću da suzim listu svojih omiljenih kupaćih kostima za ovu sezonu. Bilo mi je teško da izaberem samo nekoliko, kako to obično biva kada se pakujete za more, ali sam uspela da izaberem favorite. Nikada nije rano da počnete da planirate autfite za plažu, stvari uvek idu glatko (ili bar lakše) kada ne planirate u poslednjem minutu!
Palm trees one piece
If there is one swimsuit everyone seems to be wearin' these days, then it's definitely a one piece with some kind of leaves pattern, palm trees most of the time. This swimsuit is so pretty and casual, but you can wear it with almost any beach outfit, from vintage to minimalistic.
Jednodelni sa palmama
Ako postoji kupaći kostim koji izgleda svi nose ovih dana, onda je to definitivno jednodelni sa printom lišća, najčešće palminog. On je lep i opušten, ali možete da ga nosite sa skoro svakim autfitom za plažu, od vintage do mihimalističkih.
Wrapped around
Barely there swimwear with wraps is also a popular model and even I couldn't resist getting one. If you have trouble seeing where which wrap goes, it means you got the perfect wrap swimsuit! :D
Maleni bikiniji na zavezivanje su toliko popularni da sam čak i ja morala jedan da nabavim. Ako imate poteškoća da zaključite kako se tačko vezuju, znači da ste pronašli onaj pravi. :D
With simple straps
A version of a previous one, still simpler and easier to style. Investing in a simple swimsuit is always a good idea, you will be able to wear it for couple seasons (depending on the material, of course).
Sa jednostavnim bretelama
Verzija prethodnog, ali jednostavnija i lakša za stilizovanje. Investiranje u jednostavan bikini je uvek dobra ideja, moći ćete da ga nosite nekoliko sezona (mada to zavisi i od materijala, naravno).
Honestly, I'm not the biggest fan of sporty swimwear (in my head I'm always channeling the look of boho beach goddess :D), but they are comfortable and super easy to wear. This one here is not too sporty, I have to draw a line somewhere.
Iskreno, nisam ljubitelj sportskih kupaćih kostima (u mojoj glavi uvek nosim savršene boho autfite na plaži :D), ali jesu udobni i jednostavni za nošenje. Ovaj ovde nije preterano u sportskom duhu, ali moram negde da postavim granicu.
High waisted
The trend that overflooded beaches around the world in the last couple of years and the same one that ruled during the 50s and 60s, high waisted swimsuits. You can find some beautiful and affordable models here. If you are curvy they will look gorgeous on you, but if you like your stomach tanned better opt for other models.
Sa visokim strukom
Trend koji je preplavio plaže širom sveta u nekoliko poslednjih godina jeste isti koji je vladao pedesetih i šezdesetih, kupaći kostimi visokog struka. Možete da pronađete lepe i povoljne ovde. Ako imate obline stajaće vam divno, ali ako volite ujednačen ten na stomaku, bolje birajte druge modele.
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