Every year we see many sun care innovations. Last year (and this one as it seems) it was all about foundations with high SPF that you can wear on a beach as well. I'm not the hugest fan of those, I rarely wear liquid foundation and I especially don't like wearing foundation on a holiday. This time I'm introducing a more Sci-Fi product. La Roche-Posay invented a patch that measures sun exposure and helps you stay protected against harmful rays.
Svake godine viđamo dosta inovacija za zaštitu od sunca. Prošle godine (a čini mi se i ove) sve se vrtelo oko pudera sa visokim zaštitnim faktorima, koje možete da nosite i na plaži. Nisam ljubitelj istih, retko nosim tečni puder a posebno ne volim da ga nosim na moru. Ovoga puta predstavljen je malo futurističkiji izum. La Roche-Posay je kreirao nalepnicu koja meri izloženost suncu i pomaže vam da ostanete zaštićeni od štetnih zraka.
The patch is in a shape of a blue heart and once you put it on it will stay put for 10 days (perfect for vacations!). Only thing you need to do is download My UV PATCH app and you are set! By scanning the patch with your phone you'll get all the needed information about sun radiation and exposure and will know whether you are safe to stay in the sun or not. This handy gadget will come with every La Roche-Posay sunscreen you buy and for now it won't be sold separately. Check out the video here to see the patch in action.
Nalepnica je u obliku plavog srca i kada je jednom stavite ostaje na mestu deset dana (što je savršeno za more). Jedino što treba da uradite jeste da skinete My UV PATCH aplikaciju i to je to. Skeniranjem nalepnice mobilnim telefonom dobićete sve potrebne informacije o sunčevom zračenju i izloženosti istom i znaćete da li je vreme da se sklonite sa sunca ili ne. Ova korisna spravica dolazi sa svakim kupljenim La Roche-Posay proizvodom za sunčanje i za sada se neće prodavati odvojeno. Pogledajte ovaj video ako vas zanima kako nalepnica ''radi''.
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