A while ago I wrote about some truly great SLS and silicone free hair products (you can find that post here). Now I'm once again testing the field of excellent hair products without harsh ingredients. This time I turned to a trusted brand I've known for years. I used their ''hair crystals'' which is essentially an oil for your hair, but a great form of non greasy super nice oil that leaves your hair looking shiny and healthy while smelling great. Well, the scent is maybe something that not everyone will like, it smells more like some male fragrances than girly shampoos we are use to. I accidentally found out that Alfaparf makes these types of shampoos and masks and I don't know how I missed it considering that my beloved ''hair crstals'' are actually a part of the same line as these two products I recently got.
Pre nekog vremena pisala sam o sjajnim proizvodima za kosu bez SLS-a i silikona (možete da pronađete taj post ovde). Sada još jednom ispitujem teritoriju odličnih proizvoda bez agresivnih sastojaka. Ovoga puta sam se okrenula brendu za koji znam godinama. Koristila sam njihove ''kristale za kosu'' koji su u principu ulje za kosu, ali u odličnom nemasnom obliku od koga vam je kosa sjajna i zdrava i miriše divno. Miris je sa druge strane nešto što se možda neće svideti svima, više je na strani muških parfema nego ženskih šampona na koje smo navikli. Slučajno sam otkrila da Alfaparf pravi ovakve šampone i maske i ne znam kako sam to propustila kada su moji voljeni ''kristali'' zapravo deo iste linije kao i ovi proizvodi koje sam nabavila nedavno.
First we have the Illuminating shampoo made with flax seed, that is supposed to make your hair incredibly shiny. It really is a nice shampoo, it lathers well which is always great if products are SLS free. Again, smell may put some people off, but I quite like it. Best thing about this shampoo is that it won't make your hair super squeaky-clean like some other SLS free shampoos. Not that there's something wrong with squeaky-clean hair, but it can sometimes be hard to untangle in that condition.
Prvo imamo Illuminating shampoo sa semenom lana, koji bi trebalo da učini kosu neverovatno sjajnom. Zaista jeste lep šampon, fino peni što je uvek plus kod šampona bez SLS-a. Opet, miris će nekima biti odbojan, ali meni se sviđa. Najbolje kod ovog šampona je to što vam od njega kosa neće biti škripuće čista kao sa nekim drugim šamponima bez SLS-a. Nije da ima nešto loše u tome, ali takva kosa se nekada teško raščešljava.
I also got their Illuminating mask, I didn't get the conditioner and I don't know why. :D It seemed like a good idea at the time. Anyways, the mask is sulfates, parabens, paraffin, mineral oils, colouring and allergens free. Great thing about this mask is that it is supposed to fix your hair dye and helps it last longer which I definitely noticed! Next time I'll probably get the conditioner as well.
P. S. I'm still using my Dessert Essence shampoo and conditioner, I even repurchased the shampoo, just I use them once a week for a ''deep cleansing''.
Pored šampona probala sam i Illuminating mask, nisam kupila regenerator i stvarno ne znam zašto. :D Tada mi je delovalo kao dobra ideja. Maska je bez sulfata, parabena, parafina, mineralnih ulja, boja i alergena. Odlična stvar kod ove maske je što fiksira boju kose i pomaže da vam ona duže traje i ne ispira se između farbanja, što i jesam primetila! Sledećeg puta ću verovatno da kupim i regenerator.
P. S. I dalje koristim Desert Essence šampon i regenerator, ponovo sam kupila šampon, ali ih koristim jednom nedeljno za ''dubinsko pranje''.
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