Out of all the bags from all designers I have to like the ones that are the hardest to find. I've been looking for this one for ages until I got it recently. A bag can make or brake an outfit, that's a fact that every fashionista know. Even if you are not that into bags you know how much they can change an outfit. I feel like bags are definitely an investment. Not in a way that you have to buy the most expensive ones, just that a nice bag can make everything look good. Even a plain top and a pair of jeans look completely different with a nice bag. That's just the fashion fact. And I'm glad it's like that, I can't remember how many times a bag saved my outfit.
Od svih torbi svih dizajnera, meni po pravilu moraju da se svide one koje se najteže nalaze. Ovu sam tražila jako dugo dok je skoro nisam nabavila. Torba može da vam popravi ili upropasti autfit, to je činjenica koju svaki ljubitelj mode zna. Čak i ako niste zaljubljenik u torbe, znate koliko one mogu da promene kombinaciju. Mislim da su torbe definitivno investicija. Ne u smislu da treba puno da ih platite, nego da dobra torba može da učini da sve izgleda dobro. Čak i obična bluza i par farmerki izgledaju potpuno drugačije sa dobrom torbom. To je skoro modno pravilo. I drago mi je da je tako, ne sećam se koliko mi je puta torba ''spasila'' autfit.
Alexander Wang bag
Asos top
Bailey 44 skirt
Keds sneakers
Ray Ban sunglasses
Skagen watch
Ti Sento ring
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