Get ready for the series of posts with titles containing the word ''summer''. Just kidding, I think I only have a few, including this one. I was never a person who divides scents by seasons. Everybody used to talk about their favourite summer fragrances and winter fragrances, while I was living in a perfume oblivion having couple of scents I liked and used whenever (wherever) I wanted. But then came the years in which I started buying more perfumes, which can be both a bad and a good thing (good because you have more options and bad cause you'll never again have a signature scent). It all ended up with me having an AHA moment and realizing you really can't wear all the scents during the summer. You probably can get away with wearing all of them during winter (although some might be too sweet), but heavy powdery notes don't belong to summer heat.
Spremite se za seriju postova koji sadrže reč ''letnji'' u naslovu. Šalim se, mislim da imam samo nekoliko, uključujući ovaj. Nikada nisam delila parfeme po godišnjim dobima. Slušala sam druge kako pričaju o svojim omiljenim letnjim i zimskim mirisima, dok sam ja živela u parfemskoj izolaciji i imala nekoliko parfema koje sam koristila kad god želim. Onda su došle godine kada sam počela da kupujem više parfema, što može da bude i dobra i loša stvar (dobra jer imate više opcija i loša jer nikada nemate parfem karakterističan za vas). Taj period se završio AHA momentom za mene i shvatila sam da zaista ne možete da nosite sve parfeme tokom leta. Verovatno i može da vam prođe da sve koje imate nosite tokom zime (mada neki mogu da budu preslatki), ali teške puderaste note i letnja vrelina nikako ne idu zajedno.
Around the same time I also discovered I really like the smell of fig leaves. I mean, really, really like it, I'm practically obsessed. It has something to do with my family's beach house (where I'm sitting right now writing this) which is surrounded with fig trees. Their smell is the smell of my childhood, when I would run around picking wild peppermint and watering the sunflowers planted in the front of the house. Frequent watering is maybe one of the reasons why they didn't survive. I'm not much into niche perfumes, I do like them but I don't like the whole hype surrounding them, like they are the only perfumes you should ever use. Still, when I smelled Diptyque Philosykos I was instantly in love because it reminded me of fresh fig leaves, the familiar scent of my childhood. And that happened with EDT, perfume is a bit different, richer and warmer so I wanted the EDT more, it was fresh and crisp.
Otprilike u isto vreme otkrila sam da jako volim miris smokvinog lišća. Ne mogu da vam opišem koliko volim ovaj miris. Bukvalno sam opsednuta. To je delom zbog naše kuće na moru (gde sam i trenutno dok ovo pišem) koja je okružena smokvama. Njihov miris je miris mog detinjstva, kada sam trčala okolo, brala divlju nanu i svaki dan zalivala suncokrete ispred kuće. Prečesto zalivanje je možda i razlog zbog koga nisu preživeli. Nisam baš poznavalac niche parfema, dopadaju mi se, ali ne volim pomamu za njima, kao da su to jedini parfemi koje ikada treba koristiti. Ipak, kad sam pomirisala Diptyque Philosykos odmah sam bila oduševljena jer me je podsetio na miris svežeg lista smokve, meni jako poznat miris iz detinjstva. I to se desilo sa toaletnom vodom, parfem je malo drugačiji, bogatiji i topliji pa sam više želela toaletnu vodu, svežija je i miris je ''čistiji''.
After quite the while since I first tried it (two years to be exact) I decided to get it. Now I not only have the most amazing fig scent, I also have a perfume (OK, eau de toilette, but you get the point) I can call my summer scent. It's light and rich in the same time, while being so fresh and not at all overwhelming. Summer scents that are too overwhelming are never a good idea, even if you don't feel how strong they are, there's a chance people around you will suffocate. I know I said I'm not a fan of niche scents, but I'm seriously planing on getting Byredo Bal D'Afrique to be by ''autumn'' scent. Now I only have to get winter and spring scents, but I'll figure something out. :D
Posle dosta vremena od kad sam ga prvi put probala (tačnije dve godine) konačno sam odlučila da ga nabavim. Sada ne samo da imam najneverovatniji miris smokve, takođe imam parfem (OK, toaletnu vodu) koja je preuzela ulogu mog letnjeg mirisa. Lagan je i bogat u isto vreme, dok je takođe svež i nije prejak. Prejaki mirisi za leto nikada nisu dobra ideja, čak i ako vi ne osećate koliko su jaki, šansa je da će se ljudi oko vas pogušiti. Znam da sam rekla da nisam zaluđenik za niche parfeme, ali ozbiljno planiram da nabavim Byredo Bal D'Afrique kao svoj jesenji miris. Sada mi samo fale oni za proleće i zimu, ali snaći ću se nekako. :D
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