There are two types of people in this world. If you've ever seen Grey's anatomy you know how at the beginning of every episode Meredith starts talking and her thoughts are so collected and elaborate (hey, no wonder, she's a word class surgeon) and even if it's the simplest out of situations she'll make excellent points. Well, imagine those were outfits and not thoughts. Bare with me, the point is coming. Type A are the people who have perfect elaborate concise outfits much like Meredith's thoughts. Type B are, well, the rest who put everything together and hope for the best (you can't do that in surgery so people who do this are probably not surgeons). The results are sometimes magical and sometimes, well not so much. 

Postoje dve vrste ljudi. Ako ste gledali Uvod u anatomiju onda znate kako je na početku svake epizode Mereditin monolog i misli su joj tako sabrane i koncizne (hej, nije ni čudo, ipak je prvoklasan hirurg) i čak i kod najjednostavnijih situacija izvuče zaključke koji imaju smisla. Sada zamislite da su to odevne kombinacije, a ne misli. Ne skrećem sa teme, poenta sledi. Tip A su ljudi koji imaju dobro smišljene, lepo uklopljene autfite kao što su Mereditine misli. Tip B su oni ostali koji nabacaju stvari i nadaju se najboljem (to baš ne možete u hirurgiji pa ti ljudi verovatno nisu hirurzi). Rezultati su nekada magični, a ponekad baš i ne.

When I think about it I'm a type that's the mixture of A and B. Didn't I say there are only two types? Darn, I guess there are three. As a mixture of both I experience a lot of back and forth between classy sleek outfits and what was I thinking outfits. It's still so much fun so I don't care. But, that means I sometimes try to be disciplined and pick every piece of clothing carefully and sometimes I just throw everything on and hope for the best (hey, hope is one the best spices of life). Can you guess what I did here. Let me spare you the details, this is definitely a type B outfit. There you have it, that's how outfits are made. Spread the world, it's no longer a secret.

Kada bolje razmislim, ja sam mešavina tipa A i B. Zar nisam rekla da postoje samo dva tipa? Pa ispade da su ipak tri. Kao neko ko spada u treći često se krećem između uglađenih jednostavnih autfita i šta sam mislila kombinacija. I dalje je jako zabavno pa mi ne smeta. Što znači da sam nekada jako disciplinovana i svaki komad biram pažljivo, a ponekad jednostavno nabacam odeću i nadam se najboljem (nada je ipak jedan od najboljih začina života :D). Pogađate šta sam uradila ovde? Da vas poštedim detalja, ovo je definitivno slučaj tipa B. Eto ga, tako se sklapaju autfiti. Slobodno proširite znanje, više nije tajna.

Fashionmia dress
Zara boots
Mango jacket
Urban outfiters bag
Saint Laurent sunglasses
Ti Sento ring


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